I need more 1-drops in here. -.-;
Great deck! However, I would remove the Talrand's Invocation because the drakes will hardly receive any benefits from the other cards in your deck (notably Drogskol Captain) and throw in another Lingering Souls.Sorin is also questionably useful in this deck.Instead of Intangible Virtue, consider adding in Honor of the Pure (assuming it's still Standard Legal). Most of your creatures are White and it would really help with all of them. (Dungeon Geists' main usage is to lock down enemies and providing support, not so much as a main attacker.)Geist Honored Monk, while being a GREAT token generator, is iffy here too. Maybe use some Phantasmal Images instead (again, if they're Standard Legal still); they have amazing synergy with Drogskol Captain.Moorland Haunt would be AMAZING in this deck.Beckon Apparition would maybe work best as a sideboard.I have a pretty strong Spirit deck too. It doesn't focus on token generation though.http://www.mtgvault.com/l00fah/decks/rites-of-possession/
FYI: I'm not the deck's creator. :p Just a fan of Redirect. I don't run it in any of my main decks, but I have it sideboarded on a few (or rather I SHOULD) for those decks that rely on a lot of targeting spells.It's a very circumstantial card, so it isn't always worth throwing in, unfortunately.One of my favorite uses for the card is when a spell I've cast is interrupted by my opponent hexproofing or shrouding one of his creatures from me... It costs a bit more to actually use the spell, but it guarantees I'm not wasting my mana.
I'm not seeing the point here in Cloudshift nor Sigarda, Host of Herons' ability here. What would be the use in them? This deck lacks some serious focus. It just seems like you took some popular cards and threw them together with no real agenda.
Looks pretty great! Love the synergy here.I'd throw in Stealer of Secrets even as a sideboard for her card draw, seeing as how you capitalize on unblockable and trample spells. Friggin' love Experiment One, though! One of the best utilized "Evolve" creatures.Also; consider changing out Giant Growth for Simic Charm. Same CMC if I remember and gives you way more option. And lately I've grown to enjoy Travel Preparations over Increasing Savagery.Take a look at my newest deck, I need a little bit of feedback on it. :)http://www.mtgvault.com/l00fah/decks/wug-inprogress-help/
I think it's for some more control elements. You can redirect spells they cast, so it's like using a spell (of any CMC) of theirs at 2cmc on your account.For instance, hypothetically, if they had a cad that might wipe your entire board, you could instead choose a new target (them) and ruin them. It's a really underrated card, I've always felt.
I honestly didn't get the point of self-milling until actually looking at this deck. Pretty brutal stuff in there! If this weren't a Standard deck, I'd throw some Innistrad or Painlands in. Pretty sweet deck!
I'm having a hard time figuring out how you're supposed to get infinite mana from this.
This looks like one of the most annoying decks to play against. I wish I could convince myself to play outside of Modern; this looks sweet!
Yeah I just noticed the new notification system. Amazing what technology can do these days! (Because I haven't been on Facebook or Myspace for the past 10 years or anything...)I think I'll go ahead and add those cards in somehow. A lot of my decks tend to use more creatures than spells to manage threats. Most of the people I play with use huge creatures or a large amount of them in their decks, so it makes it tough to compete when all I have is a single guy out there that I need to deal damage. :pThanks for the feedback, though! Lemme know when your deck is done, I'll take a look at it. :)
Pretty impressive Ninjutsu deck, actually! I was considering making one myself. Ink-Eyes has always been a favorite of mine. What I might recommend, though, is remove Sunken Hope altogether and put something in there with more utility at a lower cost. Not sure what, I'll get back to you on that.My reasoning being that with Ninjutsu as a major mechanic of this deck, you'll pretty much be bouncing your permanents back and forth for the rest of the game anyhow. Sunken Hope might actually leave your field too open.
Great cards and suggestions! Wow! I didn't really put much work into this card, but that's genius. My main reason for Peel From Reality was bouncing certain creatures (Like Ravenous Rats) and threats on the opponent's field.
@Buzz-gsc: I can't reply directly to you, so hopefully you see this.I considered adding Talrand, Sky Summoner. I only thought of it last night, so it's funny you bring him up. I also thought about adding Cackling Counterpart and Rewind, too. Though, I'm having a harder time justifying either of them. Cackling Counterpart could be used to supplement either of my main hitters, Guttersnipe, or Electromancer; and it has the added bonuses of triggering the sourcery/instant abilities and removing pesky Legendaries. Thoughts on that? Rewind, however, seems... I don't know. It looks useful, a counter with the ability to untap lands? Awesome. Though this thing never has mana management issues. As I'll be casting spells often, I figured Incursion Specialist's +2/+0 and unblockable made him a viable option for this deck. When combined with Trumpet Blast, it makes him an unblockable 5-dealer.
I replied to this... Just did it like an idiot and "Joined the Discussion."
I forgot to edit: Lingering Souls doesn't work in this deck due to Thief of Hope's ability. It only triggers on Spirit cards played directly from my hand, rather than spirits going to the playfield. Even Moorland Haunt is only there as a last resort for creating fodder for Devouring Greed.
There we go, deck revised.
Hopefully now I can get some help with this thing.Also: does Electromancer's ability work with the Overload costs?
I had Lingering Souls in here during some test playing and it wasn't really working. However, I have changed the deck since I posted it here.I'll have to revise it soon and maybe get some feedback on it.I originally built this deck on somewhat of a budget and I never got around to getting Geist of St. Traft. That card is super strong and super expensive, for me.
Dude, sweet. I might've gone Board control/Mill though. Especially with mono. However, Mill is by far the cheapest mode of play.
Thanks! :D It took A LOT of time and money to build it. I had to meticulously thumb through every available Modern card just to find 'em. Nice to see someone else likes it. :)
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