i don't like captivating vampire i just idk why it doesn't flow with my decks i've tried it before. and i don't have vampire nocturnus... and idk when ever i did play the one vampire nocturnus i own i never got enough black stuff on my library to finish the game.
the chances of getting mana lith out to play venser is minimal...
very very true
why do you have voltcharge?
needs more ramp.
shrine of burning rage, fling + act of treason, kiln fiend
-2 inferno titan +2 furyborn hellkite (unless you are planning on entering a tournament) -4karn +4shrine of burning rage.
jace beleren for card advantage i suppose? if not i'd put in the mind sculptor... just for the unsummoning ability and being able to rig their deck.
not bad i'd put in ogre sentry for wall of fire but that's just me. and i' cut the cards to 60
it's not a bad deck but you need a game winner. i'd say venser would be it sadly. with all of you golems unblockable for just this one turn you'd finish them. you wouldn't have to keep venser on the field just play him the turn you have all the golems to kill them and bam venser and you swing. i'd put in master splicer too.
it was fine without the blue.
i see two grave titan with only 19 lands... that's not a good thing... unless you run a crap load of creature ramp
i'd put garruk in either of them to be honest...
it is very odd indeed but im willing to bet it works... a little control everywhere... kinda scary actually... if you don't mind, could you please look at two of my deck it seems that you are by far the best deck builder on this site and i would like your opinion on two of my own decks. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=209590 http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=208119 I would seriously appreciate it if you would just give me your opinion. thank you.
it doesn't work as well as you would think. my buddy try4se (he's on the vault) made one and he tried it and it is a lottery ticket. 50% epic fail 50% glory. btw precursor golem fails to doom blade/ lightning bolt. i'd put a few master splicers in and adaptive automaton.
ah i see what you mean i didn't see that THE CREATURE dealt the damage.
i'd take out lightning bolt for arc trail. and goblin gaveleer for goblin guide. gaveleer isn't worth it.
take out livewirelash for bladed pinions. spell pierce for skyward vault. and putrefax for chained throat seeker.
"LOL burstlightning and staggershock is in same expansion xD" no they aren't stagger shock is in rise of the eldrazi and now i checked it is also falling out with inistrad.
more power to you
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