add in 4 inkmoth. inkmoth and tezz's -1 = win. take out the snap casters you're only trying to get out blight steel. prolonging it will only make it harder with the draws you dont' want that
heartless needs to be a 100% aggro deck. unless you plan to use this only in casual i suggest ditching the idea. I've tried to make a mid range heartless, it just doesn't work. the only one i run is a 99% aggro one. the only control is SBd and ponder.
shrine of burning rage
add solemn simulacrum, fix the mana so there's more white than black as you have WAY more white spells/mana symbols to fill.
i'd take out spike shot and gut shot they are ehh. i'd put in shock or incinerate in for it, maybe reverberate. creatures... maybe instigator gang? one or two if you want bigger stuff smaller hmm... reckless waif? goblin arsonist? perlious myr? furnace scamp?
koth of teh hammerz
rather give them the land than give them more life. just two swings of progenitus and no more... then you is dead... then i go to next match... yeah.....
not perfect not even close try kiln fiend. chandra's spitfire. charmbreaker devils.
i'd take out the skaabs unless they are only defending you. i'd add more archivists and more alchemy
woodland cemetary
rather have the force myself discard. brainstorm is great but i need to be able to grind alt win.
you can't use kessig without red. i'd take out more forests and put in 4 ink moth and 4 kessig and a few more mountains. plus he could get it with viridian or rampant.
it's beautiful <3
i'd take out tezzeret's gambit for think twice.
splash blue for Rooftop storm and i'd work on your mana curve. you have like no lands.
work on some cheaper stuff. everything you have in here can't be played until like T2 heartless and then you have to wait another 2 turns to play solemn.
forbidden alchemy?
try again this time with a mana curve that isn't ridiculous.
it's an army of control until i get a game winner out it's just a newer version of the old UB control pre innistrad standard
idk i don't like dismember for the fact that i usually can't cast it without paying life which i hate to do. i've run dismember but it doesn't work as well as other things which is why go for the throat is in here rather than it and doom blade is side boarded if the run artifacts. vicera seer is pointless because why would you sac bloodghast when you could just hit them anyway. i get that one mana for kalastria is good but not as great as having room for others that will kill. and the reason i put geth's verdict is that because of hex proof i can' go for the throat or dismember so i found a way to loop hole it. so i'll kill your other guys then when the last one is standing make you sacrifice him.
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