mentor of the meek and honour of the pure clash with each other. I'd reccomend picking one of them.
You have very few things activating mentor of the meek, running other token generating cards that also trigger it like mausoleum guard and doomed traveler might be a better idea.
What about using heatless summoning in a dragon deck?
Looks great, I bet every game feels like a race to see who finishes first,
Personally I never liked knight of the holy nimbus, you might want to remove that in place of some removal spells, like swords to plowshares or path to exile. Knight of the white orchid is also really good for mono white as it helps with land screw. other then that i think the deck looks good.
Abyssal nocturnus gets a power up for every card discarded by the opponent. Since you're running mono black i think you should trade in your despise/doom blades for cards that make the opponent sacrifice, as well as some board wipe cards like damnation or consume the meek. Also I'd reccomend dark rituals for your more expensive spells. Also get rid of monomania, the only time it'll ever be good is at the beginning of the game when the opponent is most likely to have a large hand. otherwise there are much better lower costing cards that cause him to discard. like horrifying revelation. rather then geth's grimoire i reccomend sign in blood, because you can also target the opponent with that to make him draw more cards to be discarded or target yourself if need be.
Whao, interesting deck, I think some isolated chapels will help with you mana
pretty nice deck, it looks weak to board wipes though.
Interesting deck, I like it.
there are better cards to lock down creature based decks, but i suppose if you're making it specifically to counter your friends deck then I can't say much without knowing what kind of cards your friend is running.
pretty good deck, lots of spot removal but considering how low your mana curve is i don't think you need the 4 dark ritual so trading them for more creatures would be a good idea.
It's an interesting combo though I don't think you're gaining more then you're losing.
Just wondering but what format is this for? because demonic tutor is banned even in legacy i believe.also I don't think spellbook belongs in this deck as you have no real draw cards. beseech the queen i think would help you a lot.
i think you should be running 4 bears, take out a cryptoplasm to make it work. the caged sun, and platinum emperion also seem pointless in my honest opinion. I say that only because I like keeping my mana curve low as possible. but if you can make the grand architect/blue creature combo work then good for you. also ponder's always help definitely should try to mainboard that.
Ghostway in my opinion is an amazing addition to any allies deck running white. it counter's board sweepers and gives you an insane amount of abilities triggering (depending on how many allies you have) you lose the counters already on it, but in return you gain back so much more.
In my opinion the simulacrum's don't belong, and four blade splicers is a must. If you're using preordain just go all the way and use ponder instead. I'm also using timely reinforcements in my splicer deck i'm making. as well as cathedral membrane instead of wall of omens. sol ring is a good accelerator if you can find it.
I think you should focus on either on aggro lifelink. or with creature pumping like with deathbringer liege.An amazing card for either of these decks is Divinity of Pride. other multicoloured lifelink permanents are available when used in combo with edge of divinity. You could have a turn 2 4/4 lifelink creature to start with your games if you went for more of an aggro approach. I've got both on my profile if you want to check it out.
Also mana severance only works on your cards, not the opponents.
I think some counterspells might help in this deck, (counters ANY spell and 2 blue mana for sanity grinding) If you ever decide to splash black then mind funeral and glimpse the unthinkable are good cards to
Ohhh i see, thanks, that is a great combo
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