It's a good deck, could use more spot removal and perhaps some dark rituals to speed things along. Also maybe you should make cards like bloodseeker into your sideboard in case you face decks with few monsters.
Yeah, that and I can't find any mirran crusaders IRL. So i decided go without them.
silverskin armour seems pointless in this deck considering that over 90% of it is already artifacts. i'd take out 4-5 of those plains and put in mountains for jor kadeen (even though you have alloy myr). IMHO the propagator myr is too slow to take real advantage of. especially since you're already running mirrorworks and prototype portal. I think some semblance anvils would really help in speeding up your deck. Other then that it looks decently built, a couple random cards like glimmerpost but should run fine.
haha, to be honest i was just following alphabetical order on gatherer, but yeah sure, i'll look into it.
Nice deck, very aggressive you might want plague myr instead of darksteel. just so that you can get more infect and mana generators.
looks good, though i don't understand why you're running puresteel paladin if you only have 4 equip cards. also rather then negate you might like dispatch better. myr reservoirs is another awesome card for myr decks. other mana myr's you might want to consider are palladium myr and plague myr.
Lord of the Pit was pretty cool and anime jace, but time reversal has got to be the best
But doesn't the nomad's en-kor have to take that much damage first? or are you re transferring the same damage point over and over again?
A life gain deck with no divinity of pride? what happened there? also tainted sigil makes a great combo with sanguine bond.
it works with proliferate and dragons and some control. proliferate infect and lux cannon, everflowing chalice to pump out dragons and blue for control/card draw
I'd say take out the serra's ascendent or at least have less of it. maybe throw in another vampire nighthawk or ajani's pridemate. Do you really need Marsh flats? the only other nonbasic land you're running godless shrine, i think evolving wilds or terramorphic expanse should fit just fine in this deck. and has 4 sanguine bonds worked out for you? i'm only running 2 in mine and i was thinking of getting more. Great deck though, Iove the shadowlance makes all the creatures just that much more deadly. And considering most of my games are over with just 6 lands on the field I don't think I can appreciate zuran orb like you do.
Sorry, I'm new to magic so I don't understand where the infinite part of the combo comes into play. The way I see it is that you take damage from the nomad onto the cleric, pumping it's toughness and then sac for life. so how does that become infinite life?
I think this deck needs a better win condition. the only one I see is serra's ascendant and that doesn't help unless you've gotten to 30 life. the other creatures all just ping for 1 or 2 damage and only two of them have lifelink. There are two main types of decks for B/W lifegain i've seen. One is an aggro deck using creatures like divinity of pride, nip gwyllion, voracious hatchling and vampire nighthawk, or the more passive one with soul warden/attendant, ajani's pridemate, ajani's mantra. both decks usually run sanguine bond as that is a big boost. here's a hybrid I made that's worked out pretty well so far
Oh sorry, I mean do you actually get both cards out onto the field to use them. I've often found myself in combo situations where I have one card but not the other. and especially since you are not running card search or draw. other then the top of course.
Whao, great deck, I was looking for a good myr deck to make. and if I could get the cards mentioned I totally will.
A quick suggestion if you'd like, try looking for the monocoloured alternatives to some of your higher mana costing cards, like path to exile/swords to plowshares instead of unmake
I think it's a rather defensive deck and your teysa-field of souls-sigil of the new dawn combo might be harder then you think to pull off but all in all if not more abstract then it could be.
Lol, I know it's terrible, I would never put this together or reccomend it to anyone.
Ever since I saw your extraction decks I knew I had to make them or at least a more affordable version with the cards i can actually find. but I just don't see the countertop combo actually coming together As in bother cards at once, Am I just being crazy?
I wouldn't consider it to be quick without mana accelerators, even with dragon speaker a couple seething songs, pyretic rituals or rite of flame if you want 4. especially considering that dragon arch is a 5 mana drop. mid game onwards when you have more mana out and dragon master can start pumping dragons as well it's good but definitely not quick. also rather then incinerate and flame slash i reccomend 4 lightning bolts as it's a one cost and you can pick between player/creature
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