Lack of Consistancy
No problem.... Take a look at my most recent Blightning deck if you would
impossible deck much?
I like it, Interesting choice of Creatures, a lot of underplayed cards, I like the nerve not to go with the crowd....
Runeflare trap! Inquiry Triggers it ^_^
thought about it, THey're Killer expensive though ($) At my Card shop, about 9 dollars a piece....
Not bad at all, My Zombies looked a lot like this, I'd throw in one or two Nefashus or Death's-Head Buzzard
Also Duress Lets me Prepare accordingly to adjust my game to any threats, Seeing an opponent's hand is a powerful thing........ And in a FFA or any Multiplayer format, It can really make a game harder, because everyone knows how to prepare........
The duress are kinda a turn 1 thing, The deck has 2 stages, Early Burn. (Before I get the font and Runeflares) which is Early board clearing, Duress, Setting up Megrims, and Burning inquiries) and once my board is set up, I can enter Stage 2, (Font, Blightnings, and Runeflares), usually a game ender. Some games I don't even use the font combos, and sometimes, I have all the cards needed in opening hand to start blasting with font.
No synergy in the deck, you're doing 50 million things at once, and what makes this any different than any other mill deck?
Where are the Soul Extinguishers?
Sick, Rite of Replication and He;;kites, YOu have a sick mind, my friend.
Yuck. A random Pile of Exalted Creatures, I've seen enough of these to make me puke. Refine the list down to the best, and run 4. More consistancy
THe Turbo-Mill in Standard is Sick, I don't run it, but I know one card that screws me over every time. I run Hellsparks and hells thunder, so you mill them, no big deal, it's the guy who put a ravenous trap in his deck I wanna kill for that stunt. +4 Ravenous trap (it helps)
Where's the Gilder Bairn? More Divinity counters means more effects!
Where's the overrun?
No! If you're going to go standard with discard. YOU HAVE TO SPLASH RED! Blightning is amazing with Megrim and Burning Inquiry can deal damage AND get you a new hand. Hideous end can be replaced with terminates, so on so forth. Here's the link to my standard Machinehead
Mana is good, Dropping a Piranha marsh turn 1 is a real confidence booster.
Yeah, I used to run the Golgari Deathcreep when I started, and realized how slow it was, SO I removed a lot of dredge for this deck
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