I do want -1/-1's on my guys
One issue... THis deck costs enough already. knights just butcher my already tight budget/
Um, Followed Footsteps + Rhys = Both go Boom, Legend rule
Or THorn Thallid
Do what I did, Get a way to produce large amounts of Black Mana, and a golgari rotwurm.
There's enough Mana Accel to get back on my feet, and the graveyard isn't that big a deal.. Still working out my board for said issues
If you wanna do this, more blood tributes, instant win
Sir, Have you actually read them? Platinum angel is keeping myself from dying from Ad Nauseam. "You can't lose the game and your opponents can't win the game." THis also allows for a 13/13 shadow. Now, Lets examine the Persecutor. "You can't win the game and your opponents can't lose the game." THAT is a drawback, Platinum angel costs 7 because it's ability is a benefit. Next time you wish to comment, please know what the hell you're talking about.
Yup, Got a Mono Black suicide too
THis is true, (about the beatsticks) Depending on the situation, I'm maindecking the sign in bloods, and sideboarding the hunts, for a little variety.
I'd add just a fireball or 2 with some refuges or such
But is this a case of "Oh, it was uncommon in one set" Or Like Pauper in MTGO, "As long as it was common in 1 set, it's legal" And I've found the bonesaws amazing in my Nim/Salvage Titan deck.
Not really, any Ideas? I have Seeker of Skybreak to untap him for another go
Needs bonesaws and Leonin Scimitars to up the artifact count
Well, first, it lets me through against Black decks. Second, It's cheap, and not much of a drawback, considering I swing out every turn, the others are too expensive.
i have a lot of "draw-Go" turns, so I can skip, fill their hand up some more, then use the turn later if I have cruel and twincast in hand
I build a lot of Grixis, so her's my issues....... Lightning Reaver is doing nothing, they're slow, susceptible to lightning bolt, and not so great Panoramas tie up your mana more than need be, drop them for Terramorphics or Sac lands, if you can afford them. Exotic Orchard is extremely Circumstantial, too much so to be in the deck. I would Mainboard 2 cruel ultimatums at least, they're an amazing card, and often, a win condition. 2 Sedris, the Traitor King might be effective, should you decide to put something like Deathgreeter in, which is nice lifegain. Corpse Connoisseurs stock the graveyard well as well as Fleshbag Marauders for board clearing Suggested changes: -3 lightning reavers -2 Soul manipulation -4 grixis charm -4 exotic orchard -3 grixis Panorama +2 Akoum Refuge +2 Jwar Isle Refuge +2 Cruel Ultimatum +4 Dregscape Zombie +3 Terramorphic Expanse +3 Deathgreeters OR Fleshbag Marauders
..................................................Suckish? Too much going on here, no consistency.
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