lol indeed it is.
Yes, but not if you consider some of the suggestions above. I was just wondering if you wanted to keep it post rotation legal?
Armada Wurm is good. Hell, a 5/5 trample for 4 cmc is always great. Plus It kind of has flash since it's instant speed. I don't see this has an aggro card but as a finisher. this is not a token deck, but it has the ability to pump quite a few 5/5 if the game lingers on. With all that being said I think it could be replace by something else if he wanted. What do you think?
True, but this being an aggro deck, It would slow it down quite a bit by adding in the enchantment. Turn 4 enchantment instead of a creature. Plus there is not that many lifegain oppertunity in here. only one creature has lifegain and with trostani on board, only dropping loxodon smiter would give you a angel. It could work, but it would slow down the deck an give it a midrange feel. Soulmender is a good with though with Thunes.
true, Spike Jester is way Better. Someone already suggested it before me so that's why I didn't inclued it.
Nice Concept, but really mana heavy. Even with all that control, I'm not sure you'll hit all the cards you need to combo before the game is over. Great deck in casual though. Liked it
True, Look at your mana Curve. There is too many High CMC cards. Maybe add some 2 drop creatures. Exava is legendary so you can only have 1 on the board, you should remove a couple. Smelt is a sideboard card only in this format. Shock lands might save your life sometimes even with that 2 dmg, you should definitely add some. I think crypt incursion should be in sideboard. Maybe had some Wild Guess to help you replenish your hand if you use lots of cheap burn spells.Dreadbore should be in sidebord if you want to use it cause it's socery speed making it useless on your opponents turn. Replace it with Doom Blade. Get rid of Rakdos Charm, they're not worth it. Deviant Glee is a good aura to add. Maybe Lifebane Zombie, Rakdos Shred-Freak, Rix Maadi Guildmage, Ash Zealot, Rubblebelt Maaka.Chandra should definitely be in here. Slaughter Games is a sideboard option for certain treats.That's all I have for now...
Desecration Demon gives you a flying presence and works with your counter based deck. Main or sideboard. Beside that, it looks solide. I made something similar with blue added in and some Master Biomaster, Renegade Krasis. Take a look if you need some Ideas.
If you're looking to keep this standard after rotation, altar's reap is a good draw card with immortal servitude.
If you want to splash some black in here, Altar's Reap makes a great combo with Dragon Egg. Sacrifice the Egg, draw two cards and put a 2/2 pump-able flyer. Plus it's instant speed so you can cast it in response to a removal spell on one of your dragons and, it will survive rotation . Not sure if any other black card might work in here. I'll have a look and comment back
I have a similar deck that I play right now in Standard. Mostly the same cards + Invisible Stalker and Trepadation blade combo. You might want to sideboard some Psychic Spiral in case you face off against another Mill deck, it saved me a couple of times. Maybe some Mizzium Skin to protect your creatures against heavy removal. Hands of binding , Frost Breath, Gridlock are also good cards to sideboard to help you deal with your opponents creatures. Maybe mainboard some Nightveil Specter for a flyer presence and it's also nice to play your opponents lands, Duskmantle Guildmage, Rapid Hybridization for some awesome Blue removal...Oh and maybe with all the control you're playing, Traumatize should be in here....I think. These are only suggestion and I am not an expert whatsoever.
Either of them is a good choice. You can always sideboard them.
I agree with you. With all that removal out there, Niv Mizzet might not get a long run out on the battlefield and Aurelia's fury is redundant with the other spells I have in there. I'll remove those and add 2X Island.I didn't get the chance to test it yet. I plan to test it on FNM this week. I have all the cards for it, except a couple of shock lands witch I'll replace with Guildgates.Thanks for the suggestions. ;)
Renegade Krasis would be a beast in here.
IS this a standard deck ?Warden of Evos Isle would fit nice here if your looking to pump out some flyers. Rapid Hybridization can be use on a cloudfin raptor to give you a nice 3/3 creature. Some judge's Familiar gives you an extra creature has well has some early game counter. If this deck isn't standard, well then there would be a lot more you could do with it.
Well, it's for deck thinning. having 4 less card out of your 60 enables you to draw more of the 56 remaining cards = more chance to get what you want + not having cremate means you'll have another card to replace it, witch might not be what you need. Adding fetch lands like Evolving Wilds also help you with deck thinning by getting you the land you need and removing a possible land you would draw later on, witch you might not need. It's a bit complicated but the math proves it actually works. There was an article online referring to it if you want to look for it. The main point is that it enables you to draw more cards out of your 60 card deck meaning that you have more chance to get better cards. Hope this helps ; )
Indeed it looks fun to play, but why so many singles?
you're missing a bit of cards. You might want to finish your deck so people can leave comments and suggestions.
Add some drawing. most of your deck are 1 or 2 drops, so you'll run out of cards pretty fast. Cremate, Sign in blood, Altar's Reap might help keep a larger flow of cards in your hand.
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