Yeah, that's what I thought. Wild defiance is better then fervor but I think I prefer My one drop card like giant growth, and rancor to give me trample. Makes it easier to pump one of my creature and fling it, plus rancor comes back into my hand... But again what do I know lol. I'm I wrong? Thanks for the suggestions.
Nice deck you have there. You have any suggestions for my sideboard?
Nice Deck. Chalice of Life / Chalice of death might be a good card to put in since your creatures benefits from your overall high health.? Just a thought. Have a look at my Fling Aggro deck:
True, Killing my opponent in one move is nice, but Malignus still costs 5. This mean I wont be able to take him out and use fling or rush of blood till turn 6-7 cause I don't have any mana ramp, and I'll probably be dead by then. It might still be a good late game finisher if I managed to survive. I'll take one in in replacement of a slumbering dragon? Thanks again.
Gives you an extra artifact for the affinity.
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