I like it too. I just hope it works as advertised...
Yea. This is cool man. Elves always have a lot of synergy. Mono green insures consistency. You may need 1 or 2 more lands just to be sure, though.
Ok. I've taken out the champions and added the blade splicers to put more first-striking bodies on the field. Also, later on in the game, when the sun Titan comes around, she can come back and help out late game. Having first strikers is REALLY important with those flails in there. As far as removing land goes... I think I'll need to stick with 25 since I want to have a consistent turn 5 and 6 land drop. Sun Titan ain't cheap... Or just being able to equip fellas is important, and takes lots of land. If anything, I'm thinking I need more swords. Sword of war and peace and feast and famine would be nice to just replace the body and minds altogether. What are your thoughts?
I dunno. How much does 2 extra cards really matter, anyhow? I'm no math whiz, but I don't think it really messes with the consistency THAT much, right? Well. Which 2 would you take out? I like them all too much to just throw them out in the cold...
Yea. I'm side-boarding the jace's for now. I will likely run a couple of flails as well. I do like their ability, especially when coupled with something like angelic destiny.... Just stupid crazy.
Go ahead. And you're right about the burning vengeance's. They just work so nicely with those past in flames. lol Keep it on track! And the cackling counterparts are definitely a little weaker than the others. BUT, if you use those alloy myr, you could throw in a couple of evil twins... Just a thought.
I prefer mox opal too, and there are 2 reasons I didn't include it. 1 - it's too damned expensive. 2 - I played with it in my deck before and ended up trading it for some swords I'll have in an upcoming human deck. I did that because, I rarely got to use the metalcraft ability when it made a difference in the outcome of the game. I've found that It's fast enough already simply because the mana curve is ludicrously low (19 cards with 1 mana, 9 cards with 2 mana, and the last 3 with 3 mana). I've won several games by the 4th/5th turn without drawing more than 2 lands. Actually, what happened more often than not, was I ended up using my mox opal as the sac artifact on turn 1. ( It hurt to do it, but it won me a few games) I do agree with you, that it would be a nice card in this deck, in theory. But I've tried it both ways and I like sacing a darksteel relic WAY more than I do a mox opal. Thanks for the advice though. Tips and advice are always welcome.
Also, if you're planning on casting cards from your graveyard with past in flames, you should probably also consider (at least side-boarding) some Burning Vengeances. They would work REALLY effectively alongside those past in flames and snapcaster mages.
Wow. That was a lucky pull. Mana leak is where it's at, right now. And curse of the pierced heart is for a different deck. Look at dissipate for more control cards. And if you need creatures to stick with your theme, you should look at Cackling Counterpart. Mind shrieker is another cool card, and it only cost 2 mana, and one of the mana is colorless... That's always good in a multi-color deck.
Check this out. It's completely standard. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=249222
Also, if you don't feel like spending $100 on opals, the darksteel relic makes a fine, cheap, 0 mana sac artifact stand-in.
Rebirth is the best part of the deck man. It's no mistake. Nice deck. I had basically the same deck until I decided to standardize... Too bad there's no real replacement for the bushwhacker tho. And goblin grenades are a nice sideboard item if your looking to add something there.
Thanks. Yeah, it just makes sense to get as much out as fast as possible if you plan to beat the "day of judgements". It's definitely a fun deck to play with. I've had several games where my hand was empty by the 3rd turn. Laying down free artifacts and sacing for more goblins and grenading like a champ. Good times.
Your mana curve is pretty good, but I think you could do better than the myr. Is their sole purpose to add extra mana? If so, then alloy myr work nicely in their place. They aren't birds of paradise, but they do the trick. Or you could just skip the mana ramp creatures and fill the spots with more cheap burn/ control spells. And with that in mind, the past in flames should be bumped up to 3 so you can keep bringing the hits later on in the game. This is a good deck. I'd like to see it in action. The only cards I would definitely replace are the myr. And add more past in flames, or if you get lucky and find a snapcaster mage laying around someplace, it might help you out also. (hate to be cliche though)
That's a good burn deck for sure. But mine is creature-based. And the ways it can win by turn 4 are many... For example- 1st turn - lay down one mountain and a free artifact. sac the artifact to use kuldotha rebirth. 2nd turn - lay down contested warzone, use its ability to attack for 6 3rd turn - mountain - put down goblin chieftain and attack for 8 4th turn - you have a couple of options here... but I would tap contested warzone and the last mountain I put out to attack for 12, and then for shits and giggles sacrifice a goblin or 2 for goblin grenade points. The curse of stalked prey works well if the game "drags on" past the 4th turn though. It really pumps up those early attackers. Also, the battle cry fellas can do an awful lot of damage early on when you have so many people to attack with on turn 2 and 3. Also, the spikeshot elder is a handy tool in any of those situations for clearing out blockers especially when coupled with the curse of stalked prey. Just check out a couple of hand draws with this deck and see if you can't consistently deal 20+ points of damage by turn 4/5.
Ha! How about a couple of karn's also? Because it really just needs to be slowed down a little for some big gains in destruction later on in the game. I guess a Jace or 2 might work also. A few more colors couldn't hurt, I guess...
And the best part is.... It's COMPLETELY standard... At least until wizards decides I need to spend more money. It's also relatively cheap to build.
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