Yeh, it's tough not to build a counter deck. We've got one player in our group who just dominates every game. He's a great player and deck builder and I think playing against him improves my game? But I just don't enjoy playing and building the kind of decks I think I need to to beat him on a more consistent basis. I've really been thinking of doing an infect deck and running Blightsteel in it though
This looks like a really fun deck. I tend to build in this style if trying to cheat bigs in early. When it goes off its great but in my playgroup I've found my stuff tends to get either bounced or exiled with things like oblivion ring. I don't use blue much so I've yet to find many consistent ways around that ?? But, like I said- looks like it would be a blast to play with
Green always does seem to make red better even if it's just a splash , and if you have some good dual lands so you don't get mana hosed. I have a G/R aggro burn deck that I just took to mono-red and I have mixed feelings about going back or not. I used to use berserk a lot to double things like ball lightnings power but with double strike in the game now and plenty of cards to that give it in red I may be able to go greenless.
Looks like a fun build. It is hard to image a vamp deck without including vampire nighthawk. That card changes games because people just don't want to attack you . Having a little deathtouch fence can give you time to get some of your other vamps rolling. You might sub a couple copies of your legendary creatures like drana out for a few nighthawks. Malikar Bloodwitch is another great vampire especially in multiplayer games when you are running multiple vamps because she deals 1 damage to each opponent for every vampire you control.
Not sure what cards you have or what the deck budget is but a fun combo I have going in one of my decks is sneak attack + zodiac dragon. You sneak zodiac in, hit with haste then he hits the graveyard and back to your hand. Combo that with something like fling to double the damage or if you have a diamond valley sac him to diamond valley to gain 8 life. Splashing green might be cool to so you could throw in defense if the heart- cheat in 2 if those Thundermaw hellkites. Fires of yavimaya can be great with dragon master so your tokens have haste. Looks like a fun build!
No, I thought about buying into the set but I already have most of the good ones from older sets.
Nice little build around deathrite shaman.
So far tge deck is doing ok. My friend played her first few games with it and it seems like it comes out pretty smooth and gets its effects on early. It needs a little tweaking to get the mana curve just right.
You need to put Fling in here. You'll double the damage you are doing with your sacrifice creatures. Cast Fling , deal that damage, then attack and sac at the end of your turn. I like the haste/smoke combo.
Thanks! Yeh I had thought about autumns veil but I was just running out of room . If I can get avacyn out she tends to protect against the kill spells well. I have the deck pulled apart right now and am thinking of subbing Eurekas in for defense of the heart so that I can get some ofvthe synergistic stuff out simultaneously .
The deck is doing fairly well, I need to pick up some more living plane so that it draws out better. I removed clear the land and added in more fertalid because the fertalid /Ob-nix combo seems to be winning more games than tge egg /living plane /bile blight is. I can say this, the deck rains hell on tokens with massacre wurm and screams from within .
I made some adjustments to the main deck to decrease the estimated price hoping to not put people off; just tossed the more expensive cards into the sideboard .
Using elvish piper would also give you some defense against counterspells for your important creatures. Maybe throw in archetype of endurance to give your creatures hexproof to protect against board wipe scenarios
Maybe 2 elvish Mystics, and 2 Rofellos llanowar emissary
Totally, nythos or karometras acolyte, reverent hunter... I was thinking elvish piper would be pretty sweet in this with a worldly tutor to get your bigs out. I wonder, with having garruk if you might be able to trade the rancors fir 2 pipers and 2 tutors. Or, alternatively- keep the rancors, ditch Garruk and throw in some killer bees. With nythos or karometras they can be down right vicious and they would give you flyers, plus they work early, mid, and late game provided you have the mana gen to pump them which you woukd. Nice build-
I replied recently ?? But , good point nonetheless. I was just thinking today that the site needs forums.
Are planning on keeping the deck all Shadows over Innistrad? If not you should consider throwing vampire nighthawk in there- it is tough to imagine a vamp deck that isn't better off with it in there. Grotesque Mutation is a super cool card! Good luck on your build
I just put together a (somewhat) similar deck from a booster draft- funny. I really like some of the R/G stuff Shadows over Innistrad has. I havn't used the Quilled Wolf as much as the ember eye wolf. He is a two drop which might help the mana curve a bit and with the high price of quilled's pump you can actually pump ember eye more (1c1R x 3 would pump ember eye to an 8, or just pump him twice and cast uncaged fury. Looks like a fun deck- I may take some notes for mine !
Ok, it was just a thought. I like it with Gavony Township and selensya charm, but to each their own. Nice deck, good luck beating up on the Eldrazi !
Wow! Lots of comments- too many to read ??. Great build! I haven't gotten the privilege to play against any eldrazi decks yet, nobody on my neck of the woods plays them, but I hope to pick a fight with one soon to see what all the fuss is about. The one card that jumped out that seemed like it woukd fit great in this is doubling season - doubling all those counters you're dealing !
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