If the lands are indestructible, they will never hit the graveyard, therefore they won't trigger the counters for the 3/3 from the terastodon. Re-read the requirements on the card. Ur combo idea won't work.
You might want to consider some lower casting cost creatures or more instant speed removal. Other than scute mob, you won't be dropping anything down until turn 4-5. Now if u do manage a god draw I could see a turn 4 Baloth, but I don't think u can count on that every time. I would cut one of the colors and go more focused. This would allow u to curve out better. There just seems to be too many big dudes that won't hit the board in time to save u if u were playing against Red Deck or Boros. That is usually what I ask myself when I build something. Do I have the defense to holdout through the first 4 turns even if I miss a land drop. Just some thoughts.
If you want to ramp for Valakut, u will need more ramp and less land. U currently have way too much land. Chances r u will draw a few playables and then land. I run a version of this with Warp World built in. Since you are red and green, you will want to take advantage of burn and life gain. See my suggestions below. Land: 5 Forest, 12 Mountain, 1 Terramorphic Expanse, 4 Valakut Add: 4 Kalhni Heart Expedition 3 Grazing Gladehart 3 Lotus Cobra 4 Bolts 2 Burst Lightning 3 Lavaball Traps (board clear and really sets ur opponent back) 3 Seige Gang Commander (Dudes for Blocking and Damge) Remove: 4 Armillary Sphere (not needed) 2 Oracle of Mul Daya (too slow)
Add: 4 Overrun 4 Harrow 1 Grazing Gladehart 4 Nissa Revene 4 Elvish Visionary Remove: 2 Primal Bellow 2 Timbermaw Larva 2 Prized Unicorn 2 Nature's Spiral 4 Scute Mob 4 Deadly Recluse 1 Quest for Gemblades The deck needs some focus. You have a lot of cards that don't really complement each other. The cards I suggest for removal are usually good in draft and really haven't made it into quality Type 2 builds recently except for some very rouge builds. Adding in the other cards gives you the land fall for life gain off the gladehart, the ability to return ur elves with Nissa, card draw from the visionary, and a win condition with overrun. Hope this helps.
Didley The turn 3 condition only applies if they crack some fetch lands on their side of the board. It does not happen very often. The main reason I don't use shrines is u loose the surprise attack. Ur opponent can play for the creature with a burst, bolt, bounce, or a first striker. The meta in my area makes Quenchable Fire a very effective burn spell. Blue is not played and 4 for six damage is more efficient for me. Now if blue comes back, then yes, Banefire would be the better route. I do change the build on this quite often - sometimes I main board the pedes and cut the appeals and quenchable fires down. But I was just throwing this down for the Deck Builder deal. I will probably run this version at the next FNM simply b/c there are alot of white token decks running around. I appreciate the input.
U would definitely want Bloodchief in ur starting hand. If u look at the card, it can get a counter at the end of each player's end step. U could have it onlineby the begining of turn 3. Turn 1, cast. Turn 2 Bolt, Pass Turn. At end of opponents turn, burst for two. Turn 3 Blightning. Bloodchief is online. The Purge and Freeze are for the meta in my area. Everyone is playing jund and this helps me stay alive and keep real big dudes off the board.
Mill decks need to watch out for Bloochief Ascension. Once it goes online, you basically have to scoop. Otherwise, I would add more "fog spells" and drop the Soul Manipulation and Day of Judgements. Same with the sideboard. Go with as much counter and prevent as you can to keep ur win condition going. If you look at the versions of Jacerator and Turbo Fog u can get some additional ideas. Another thing, you will run out of gas without a signficant draw engine. I see 2 Jaces there but they won't last long, I suggest some fonts and howling mines.
Plus 1... I always liked the discard concept... It always seems like it is a few cards short of being amazing for type 2.
Not bad. I built a similar deck. Suggestions: Add Dragonskull Summits x4, Scalding Tarns x4, and Marsh Flats x4. This will accelerate your draw and it also allows you to splash white and blue mana for Wall of Denial. The big problem with a discard deck being really competitive is it dies really fast to any deck which can flood creatures or damage. Wall of denial fixes the creature issue easily. The splash of blue and white allows for more counter like flashfreeze and swerve. I would also run Howling Mine x4, and Font of Mythos x2. This again will accelerate your draw. This deck just looses gas when you run out of cards. Even though ur giving ur opponent cards ur hurting them every turn. Also, u would be able to mulligan down to 4 to ensure you had a Howling Mine and a Bloodchief Ascension in hand to start the game. This is a must. I haven't tried Pyromancer Ascension in this type of build, but I would prob drop it, the mind rots, and the burst lightnings. Also cut Volcanic fallout down to 2. For the sideboard, u need hate for Banslayer. Deathmark x4 and drop the ball lightnings... creatures that come in and leave won't work good for this deck. I will post my version shortly for ur review.
Agree on the Chandra point... Just haven't played with her yet and will prob drop her out completely... new card fetish I guess. Tried Lilliana in this for awhile also w/o much success, too slow. More fun in multi-player. I will still side board 2 Fonts I think and see how play testing goes... I appreciate the feedaback.
tizoby - I added a comment on ur discard deck... megrim isn't restricted. Sabin - I have been torn on the Font. At 4 casting cost it sucks in ur starting hand and really limits ur play early game to a single card. Mid to late game it seems ok, but I hope to kill by turn 5. In a stalled out game, the font would be the win so i may bring two into the sideboard, prob drop 1 duress and 1 Spector.
This is an interesting take on discard in the extended format... u have one big problem....no way to produce blue mana. Also, once their hand is gone, megrim loses its usefullness. I would drop the scepters and put in howling mines.
I may drop out Chandra and bring back a Sign in Blood, Duress, or a Burst if she slows it down too much.
You might want to add Burning Inquiry... Works real well in Discard Decks. Also, Mind Rot and Shatter are mana intensive and one shot cards. Once your opponent is out of cards they will be dead in your hand. You have a good start here... You can take a look at my type 2 Discard I just updated with Zendikar for some ideas. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=30512
mike - can't find that card ur talking about... can you check the name, I would be interested in looking it up... I figure at some point I will make this an extended deck when megrim and dreams rotate.
Barney - I commented on ur discard deck yesterday... u had some good stuff there. I am trying to keep this one standard II with shards block forward since everything is going to rotate in a month. I do toss the hippies in when I run against the soldiers and have considered chandra b/c there are a few folks in my area that run baneslayer decks.
crib - puzzlebox might be fun but it would wreck my hand also. I do hit with the draw a little... if things are running slow and I drop a couple of mines and dreams... I sit back with bones and fire walls and laugh to the win. nick - no sure I follow. I think u r saying I would have problems getting megrim and dreams out? Usually I end up with one or the other in my hand off the draw or I mulligan. They are the combo I need for this deck to work. But if I don't I proceed with wrecking my opponents hand, they are usually looking for a combo too. Also, ponder helps get to my combo faster along with the howling mines.
You have a good start but if you want to kill with discard, you need to focus more on that.... below are my suggestions... Artifacts Drop Obelisk - Too expensive to cast and u will be close to dead by the time u benefit from it. Creatures Drop Flameblast, Hackblade, Parasite, and Firestoker - They don't fit with your concept. Add Wall of Bone and Hypnotic Spector - Gives you regenerating defense and Airborne Attack with discard effect. Enchantments Drop Unholy Strength - u aren't going for a creature kill. Add 2 more megrims and underworld dreams. These are your game winners. You want multiples of these on the board. 1 Blightning with 2 megrims = 11 pts of damage. Land - 7 Mountain & 13 Swamp to account for the increased Dreams and less red creatures Planeswalkers - not really needed - can sideboard and play test. Really too slow in a one on one game Spells Drop - Breath, Banefire - Don't fit Also drop Mind shatter or side board it... not as helpful as you think.. I have play tested it and it is more of a dead card in my hand. Add - 4 pyroclasm, 4 volcanic fallouts ( you have to have creature removal for the entire board) This should get you going... U can take a look at the Discard deck I built. I splash blue for ponder which most don't expect. I really throws people off. Good Luck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=23630
If ur going for a discard kill, drop the cards that don't have anything to do with card removal... Dread, Visara, Phage, Skeletons, etc. Splash in red to run the burning inquiry combo with megrim and you will have some serious discard action. There are definitely some good legacy cards here, but the deck seems unforcused; kill with creatures or discards? Other cards to add, Blightning, Terminate (instead of terror), add 2 more racks, and bring in the cursed rack to be real nasty.
I re-worked the deck to meet the criteria... take a look now.
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