
8 Decks, 30 Comments, 0 Reputation

I skimmed the requirements a little too much... I will make some changes...

Posted 21 August 2009 at 12:55 as a comment on EDH Intet, The Dreamer



Posted 20 August 2009 at 12:12 as a comment on Member Database


Thanks for the input Druler. I'm testing the run as u suggested. Going creatureless may pose a problem if I can't disrupt my opponents deck right at the start, but I will have to see. I may sub 2 mines for 2 Hippie's or low cost direct damage.

Posted 29 July 2009 at 09:13 as a comment on Don't Draw Don't Discard ver 2.5


Nice. I have a similar discard deck (id 23630).

You might consider Dragonskull Summits (tap for red or black) and Crumbling Necropolis (tap for red, black, or blue). Great mana fixers.

In my play tests fast creature decks have been an issue for discard decks, so I have been considering volcanic fallout and terminate so I can use my bolts on my opponent instead.

Since you are primarily focused on the discard side, I would say Nyxathid is a must.... Maybe drop the loomin shade since it requires mana to boost. Another good creature is the Sedraxis Spectar. It is a 3/2 flier that causes the person to discard a card and can be unearthed for 1 colorless and 1 Black. Replace the Druges with 4 of these and drop the Knights down to 2.

Add 2 Mind Shatters and drop 2 Mind Rots.

These are just some ideas. I do like the idea of no dreams. I will have to try that out and see how it works.

Posted 28 July 2009 at 14:36 as a comment on Megrim Fandango


Ok, made some adjustments. I pulled Nyxathid since Font and Mine would weaken it. Added 2 Sign in Blood. Added 4 Crumbling Necropolis. I think I may be mana heavy butI will need to play this build a few times. Or I may remove the Borderposts in favor of 2 Mind Shatters and 2 Sign in Bloods.

Posted 28 July 2009 at 07:49 as a comment on Don't Draw Don't Discard ver 2.5


@ Parabola - I will also include 4 Dragonskull Summits... they just don't have the M10 cards yet.

Also was thinking the same thing on Nyxathid... I may pull him out completely and put in Sign in Blood from M10 - 2 Black cast to force someone to draw 2 and take 2 would combo real well with dreams. Thanks for the input.

Posted 28 July 2009 at 07:38 as a comment on Don't Draw Don't Discard ver 2.5


I've been toying with the echoes.... I wasn't sure what to drop. I may have to play it for awhile and see. I may put a couple in the sideboard. Thanks for the input.

Posted 27 July 2009 at 15:15 as a comment on Don't Draw Don't Discard ver 2.5


Most people are split 50-50 when it come to ball lightnings. It comes down to what u prefer or who ur playing. Ball has issues with token decks. However, its a nice combo if you throw down the elf and draw to a ball. You might consider substituing Rakka Mar into ur sideboard and Jund Hack and in their place bring in Ball Lightnings, Banefire, or Volcanic Fallout. You will be on ur way to some serious burn.

I will be putting my own burn deck out here soon.. I am finishing up my discard deck (23630)

Posted 27 July 2009 at 15:13 as a comment on Hastey


Try Hellspark Elemental 3/1 with a 1R casting cost (Trample/Haste/Undearth) and Hell's Thunder 4/4 with a 1RR casting cost (Flying/Haste/Unearth). Since their combine casting cost is lower than the bloodbraid elf, its a nice combo... also, the unearth ability gaurentees u instant creature attack as needed.

So if you add these 2 creatures, you need to drop 8... I would drop 2 Giant Growth, 2 Naturalize, and 4 Colossal Might. Ur going to be using every last bit of ur mana put creatures on the board for attack and overwhelm ur opponent, maybe drop a bolt or two.

Anyway just a suggestion. I have been decimated by bloodbraid / Hellspark combos... they are hard to stop, but fun to play.

Posted 27 July 2009 at 14:47 as a comment on Hastey


Discard combos are hard to get going fast... I am working on one for stanrd play right now... I would keep the Underworld dreams since you do have quite a few cards that require a draw and a discard. A nice double combo when Dreams and Megrim are on the table. I run with Font of Mythos and Howling Mines in this scenario

Posted 27 July 2009 at 14:05 as a comment on Discard


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