Gotta love decks with Flavor :)
I swapped out 1 Felidar Soverign for 1 Divinity of Pride. I think it makes the deck more powerful. And you right one less Felidar Sovereign doesn't hurt the deck much.
Yeah their are a few Life gain hate cards that can ruin this deck. Luckily I don't know two many people who play them.
I like it. I would take out Children of Korlis, Elite Inquisitor and Gather the Townsfolk. I dont think they do enough for your deck.Try this:<a href="">One and Two Drops</a>
I like Drogskol Reaver and Sphinx's Revelation from your deck. It might be worth me adding in a few islands and Azorius Chancery to be able to play them. I will have to experiment.
I have considered a mana sink, but with all the creatures and card draws, too much mana hasn't been my biggest problem.I am still considering putting in Oracle of Nectars, it is one mana cheaper than vigil for the lost. and it is a 2/2 creature. and it can use its ability anytime.
Why is soulmender better than Soul Warden?It is nice that soulmender is not dependant upon creatures hitting the battlefield. But between me and my opponent we will probably play at least on creature per turn.I think I would swap in soulmender if my deck was lighter on creatures or if I was going up against an opponent with few creatures.
Why Soulmender? It is nice that it is not dependant upon creatures hitting the battlefield like soul warden. But soulwarden has the ability to give alot more than 1 life per turn because she gives me life when an opponent plays a creature and I don't have to tap her.I think Soulmender would only be better in cases where my opponent is very light on creatures.
I didn't know about that card. I wonder where I can fit it in.....
I ended up swapping out the Hydra for Terastodon..... I have been play testing it, and it still works a little better. Plenty of fire power in Terastodon and it fits nicely with the land destruction.
Yeah I have been on the fence with Rune-Tail, the nice thing about it is he makes all my all my creatures able to block with out being destroyed. It can potentially keep me alive for a long time and protect alot of my life, but it is depends on what my opponent is playing.
Yeah it might not be accurate to call Ajani's Pridemate or Serra Ascendant win conditions. But they do account for at least 50% of the wins I have gotten with this deck. Archangel of Thune and Felidar Sovereign usually count for the other 50%.I like cathedral Sanctifier but it only gives you 3 life and I already have 12 one drop creatures. Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant can rack up much more than that for the same cost. I could add it in as additional one drop, but I am not sure what higher cost card I would swap out for it?
I built this deck for fun. Let me know what you think.
The Hydra is suprisingly powerful. With all your extra mana you can send it out really big. It is a great card as early as turn three or even late game. I also find with all the land destruction my opponents have trouble dealing with it.
That's a good point. It would help me defend early on and protect late game. I could swap it for Elvish Visionary or Carven Caryatid, but I feel the deck needs the extra draws.Maybe swapping out the 2 elephant grass? I wonder what would do more to keep me alive until my combo matures......
Crap. Well at least they can still be untapped by, wirewood lodge and copperhorn scout, Seedborn Muse, and Quest for Renewal.
I am considering replacing the 2x Doubling Chant with an additional 2x Overwhelming Stampede. I am thinking Overwhelming Stampede will win me more games than doubling chant. What do you guys think?
I took a look at your decks, I do like Mercy Killings and Quest for Renewal. I need to find a way to fit them in...... definitely Quest for Renewal. I am not sure how to fit it in.Their are so many good elf cards. I always find it difficult to limit my deck to 60 cards. Even when I find a good card, I usually cant find a weaker card in my deck to swap out for it.
Good call on the Rofellos, I added him in.
I like Jorage Warcaller, he combos well off of immaculate magistrate and all my mana generating elfs, I am just trying to find out where to put him in, All my cards seem to important to swap out.I am not sure about viridian joiner, I dont think I need an additional mana generator. Unless it is better than one of ones I currently use? Which one would you swap for it?I liked your advice on omnath so I put him in.I like ambush commander so I side decked him, I don't want to play him if I know my opponent uses board wipes.
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