I did'nt realize that, I should have read the card better. I assumed it would come back under my control. I replaced it with Kulrath Knight.
I think it could use a Sublime Archangel and a Archangel of Thune.
Well I guess I will run 2 of each since both are good. Diversity?
I personally I think it is overpowered and should have never been printed. But it was printed so, I might as well win some games off of it.I have some friends who play Pithing Needle. But even when they do, Phyrexian Obliterator is still a 5/5 with trample.
Sacks, Sacks and more Sacks!!!
Sorry I meant It is ok if a card is more than 4 (mana) but it should be really impressive.
I could swap it for reanimate. do you think it would be better?
Hmmm, I like mogi's maurader, but what should I swap out?It is ok if a card is more than 4 but it should be really impressive.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel might be good. At 7 mana a abberant overlord is a little to late game, My guess is I would have won or lost before I would use it.
Every black deck can be improved by adding 4 Phyrexian Obliterator to it.
My Adivce:You need more land, even with a lot of low mana cards 16 lands is pushing it. Add 2 more lands.Consider swapping out Goldenglow Moth, It will only get you 4 life. Pride Guardian can potentially block multiple times for 3 life gain each block. Swap out Ajani’s Mantra, One life per turn isn’t very much for two mana, Soulmender can gain you one life per turn for only 1 mana.Consider swapping, Wall of omens, for Mentor of the Meek. One draw is nice, but mentor of the meek will draw many cards over the course of the game.Swap out Renewed Faith: it costs 3 mana. Martyr of Sands will easily gain you more life than that for only two mana.Possible adds:- Either Soul Warden or Soul's Attendant are essential in most life gain decks. You will be amazed hoe much life they can generate.- I love Rhox Faithmender in almost any lifegain deck. He doubles any life gained, and he is a great defender and every time he defends he gains 2 life.- I also love Divinity of Pride in almost any lifegain deck. 5 is cheap for a 8/8 flying creature with lifelink. It can win you the game easily.= Cards like Knight of Meadowgrain and Fiendslayer Paladin can be great. A few first strikes working together on defense can stop anything. And they have lifelink. They will both protect your life and generate more.
It is a lot of fun for the whole family
It is tooo much fun!
It might, but most people just laugh.
I love you too :P
I am currently building a white/blue variation of this deck. Hopefully I will be done soon.
I have always been amazed how powerful the soul sisters cards are, they are to cheap for you opponent to waste their removals on, so they just sit their all game generating life. I am always amazed at how life they generate by the end of the game for only one mana. They are hilarious when your opponent plays a token deck.
I have made a few changes that required me to drop Archangel of Thune by one, Felidar Sovereign and by one. But I ended up finding more powerful cards to put in instead of Martyr. I can never seem to find room for her. I wonder if it would be worth swapping out some soul sisters.
Thank you!!
Yum Yum flavor :)
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