actually, I think this deck works good in multiplayer or one on one. scarring your opponents into doing anything is a delicious idea!
I seriously love this deck. oh you're just playing a suntail hawk.. oh wait what's that? uh oh... lol! brilliant
traumatize + rest in peace = remove half their library from the game.. huh, I swear this table was right side up a moment ago!
this deck is actually really mean. I like it! it seems to have a wonderful blend of cards. my favorite is chainer's edict and the look on your opponents face when their indestructible creature just got killed. nicely done
I really like the concept of this deck, I actually built a similar deck recently which has a little more cash put into it but it works quite well. deck though, love the manabarbs!
I was thinking of this, too. I would suggest adding sphere of law and sphere of grace. when they stack, they are handsome.
yea the trick is to use cards that can come back to your hand on their own :)
I would love to maybe add solitary confinement for extra hilarity XD
I would totally run this. it's a nice bubble deck. you just sit there and annoy your opponent until they flip the table. I love decks like this
brilliant! I would throw some isochron sceptors in there as well though :)
this is a very well put together deck, I really like the choice of cards, although I think you should add rakdos, the defiler for more theme, but well done!
I'm going to defeat this deck with a suntail hawk. you'll see!
it's not standard but life burst was always my favorite life gain card XD
Also there's nothing wrong with good ol spirit link XD
add Serra Avatar, she'll make creatures cry. XD
awesome zombie deck!
Also, extract is a decent turn 1 remove something annoying and petty in your deck kinda card. I used to run 4 of them in my mill, they are swell!
sweet deck, it looks like a lot of fun. I would maybe put some more creature buffs in there, but I like smashing things.
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