nice deck! I would personally throw some khalni heart expeditions in there, lotus cobras and maybe consuming aberration for another fatty. and you can't go wrong with seedborn muse or restart buttons like upheaval.
also, slumbering dragons I find are staples for dragon decks, especially if your opponent doesn't have an answer for it they will be afraid to even attack
what I found with building a similar deck like this, is that if you're cheating your dragons into play, you don't really need the dragonspeaker shamans, so that could give you more room for more dragons.
belbe's portal is also pretty good at putting beefy creatures into play early(I like cheating it into play by turn 3 with a seething song XD)I might also recommend some of the invasion legendary dragons. they are pretty bad arse if you can trigger their abilities
no problem, maybe also armed//dangerous for some more doublestrikeness :P
I might also suggest savageborn hydra, because it's amazing.
very nice deck!
cool deck! I would personally add some vexing devils, they're great in decks like these.
it looks really synergetic and lots of fun to play
really nice budget mill! I'm actually working on a white/blue mill deck, with control. as a fellow miller, thought you might like to check it out.
yea I like running both of themm I find it pretty solid because you may not always have the X mana for mind grind
this deck is rude, I like it! I would maybe add a traumatize or 2 for some extra OMPH
sure, check out my red/white control's my baby, it's basically enchantment based and shuts the game down. it's fun to play
I love the concept of this deck. I would probably add a parallel evolution or 2 for even more goats.great deck!
isn't it the best? XD
well my friend traded me, because he thought she was expensive. I'm like naaah. I'll find a way to use her XD
I have a crazy reanimate deck with all kinds of legendaries, and yea, it's hilarious when I Pull her right away :D
unless someone pulls a turn 4 iona, aaaand then you can't play black spells. XD
people hate infect universally. it's one of those things that's fun to play with but no so fun when you are on the receiving end.. same with mill :D
good choice, if it wasn't standard I would splash red for some vexing devils, but that's just me XD
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