Ooh, now thats an interesting card. Might be difficultto get it through to your opponent in this deck, since I'm sure most people would prioritize blocking something like that.
I would remove the Stonehorn Dignitary's for four Rhox Faithmender's. Same cost, higher toughness, and it would add even more to your amount of life gain.It might not hurt to replace Curtain of Light with Safe Passage, unless you want to keep the draw factor it has.Conjurer's Closet would allow you to exile and return a creature once every turn, which means you could activate your creature's "Enter the Battlefield" effects even more.
I am aware the mana curve is pretty high, that is why have the Bosk Bannerets and Emerald Medallions and the Treefolk Harbingers can serve as mana ramp (in a way, since they can put forests on my library). Good point on Lumberknot though, this may not be the best deck to utilize him, I just like him so I put him in. I can add more lands in after removing him though.Thanks for taking the time to help and comment.
Why not use Prey upon in place of Pit Fight? It costs one mana less than Pit Fight, is still standard legal (if thats what your going for), and its card art has a werewolf so it fits, lol.
I knew you would be making a Mill deck with the Return to Ravnica deck. You should look towards Breaking // Entering for the Breaking half of the spell, 2 mana 8 mill. Dreadwaters might work well enough if you have enough lands.I made an Anti-Mill deck. You should look at it, Its quite hilarious.http://www.mtgvault.com/jjreaper/decks/antimill/
Didn't you read the How to play? I don't exile the spells themselves, I copy them, exile the copy with Nivmagus Elemental, then let the original resolve. It doesn't matter if a copy gets exiled, its just a copy. Counterflux is there to serve as a protective instant of sorts. Plus, its a multi-colored spell, which untaps Lobber Crew when cast (I may just remove Lobber Crew though, its not really that amazing). They might serve just fine in the sideboard though. As for the Izzet Guildgates, why remove them for more basic lands that serve the same purpose less efficiently? Yeah they enter the battlefield tapped, but they can tap for either color, so if I get a hand with Islands and a gate but no Mountains, then the gate can give me the red mana I'll need.
Why not try and throw in a copy of Endless Ranks of the dead? This way you would get more zombies each turn which would all receive boosts from your other zombies? Grimoire of the Dead is also a good card, since you get back not only your own creatures, but every creature from every graveyard under your control, and they are all now black zombies.
I forgot about Elderscale Wurm, that really is a great card! Pathbreakers are only there for the Engulfing Slagwurm really, but Elderscale is way more useful. Swapping them out now.As for Descendants' Path, that seems like it would be a very solid addition, since the deck is mostly Human/Wurm. I will try and find a way to fit a couple of these in.Thanks. :)
I like this Idea. Primordial Hydra is one of my favorite cards, I do not see why I never thought to mix it with Corpsejack Menace. Quite an amazing combo. With all these +1/+1 counters, something as simple as an Essence Harvest could really do some damage.
All in all, its pretty solid. I would remove Tolsimir Wolfblood, Chorus of the Conclave, and maybe the Urban Burgeoning's in order to throw in a fourth copy of Rhox Faithmender and Healer of the Pride.
I can agree with GShort's suggestion of putting the Primordial Hydras in this deck. I use the Primordial Hydra + Essence Harvest combination in one of my Green/Black decks, it is very effective. With all that mana ramp you may also be able to effectively use a Worldspine Wurm, my friend uses a similar combination in an all green deck. He can get Worldspine Wurm out pretty quickly, even with its high mana cost. Asceticism may not be a bad card to add either, to protect your creatures.
I have a friend who uses the Omniscience I traded him (got a Vampire Nocturnus in return) to do an unlimited draw cards thing, he has Elixir of Immortality in his deck too, so he can draw cards endlessly. I told him he needed Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind or some Psychosis Crawlers.
I enjoy using the elixir's of Immortality, it really helps me in multiple different situations.
I have two Favorite combos: 1. Engulfing Slagwurm + Gift of the Deity = kill all of my opponents creatures and gain a lot of life. 2. The classic Niv-Mizzet the Firemind + Curiosity is one of favorites. If I have out Psychosis Crawlers this combo gets even better, especially if I am in a free-for-all.
I love the Selesneya and the Golgari, but I will likely make something along the lines of a B/W/G deck based on tokens and a few other fun creatures (like the Wolfir SIlverheart, freaking love that card). I saw one card I am especially going to love, Collective Blessing, With all the 1/1 tokens getting +3/+3 for each copy of that enchantment out, it makes for a deadly token army.
This is a hilarious combo, I would like to see the reactions of some of the players when you pulled this combo on them. Nice job.
I have found that I prefer Reliquary Tower, I am going to use those instead.
My Green and Black Wurm deck I currently use for Standard and casual play, looking for any ways to improve it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=339805
I can see this deck working better as a Red/Green or Red/Green/White, mainly because of the Immerwolf, the +1/+1 from each Immerwolf can really make a big difference. It would also keep your Mayor of Avabrucks from transforming back once they became werewolves. Here is my wolf deck for an Example: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=342616 However, if you don't want to change the color of the deck, how about a Howlgiest or Sacred Wolf?
I can see Pyroclasm being a big help against fast decks, so I will put it into the sideboard. I have Blue Sun's Zenith because it shuffles back into the library, and the silver Myrs help with casting it.. The only reason I had Venser's Journal was for the unlimited hand size, the life gain was nice, but I think Spellbook will work just fine. Thank you for your input.
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