Nice deck, i like it, i think Travel Preparations would make for a decent card to put into this deck, it would help Mikaeus at least. If you would, i would like some help with one of my decks, I'm trying to improve so it will do good in standard and modern.
If i were you i would remove something for Stromkirk Captain, he can greatly strengthen a group of vampires, maybe drop the archwing dragons for a couple copies. Cards to proliferate after using urge to feed help a lot as well, like spread the sickness or Vicious Bite. Maybe my vampire deck can give you a few ideas: I'm trying to find ways to improve it.
What about the Puresteel Paladin? He makes a great pairing with the Wolfir Silverheart. Mind looking at my G/W Standard deck? I've been working on improving it.
Maybe find something you could remove for Geosurge, pay 4 red, add 7 red, that would let get out a lot of high cost red cards very quickly. If you get the chance, take a look at my dragon deck, suggestions are welcome.
You should see the Revnege of the Hunted combo when it is used on Engulfing Slagwurm, instant board-clearer for their side and you gain a lot of life. I have done this combo twice before, needless to say, i won those games.
Revenge of The Hunted does have a downside, every creature the opponent controls has to block it, so i would add Terrifying Presence, to prevent all damage except the creature you cast Revenge of The Hunted on. Total mana cost is 2 green and 1 any if you miracle Revenge of The Hunted. Though it really doesn't matter with predator ooze or Thrun though, it might help.
I would recommend finding something to remove for a Captivating Vampire or Vampire Nocturnus, Maybe a Stromkirk Captain. It That Betrays really doesn't fit into this deck, so maybe remove them. Mirri The Cursed, Mephidross Vampire, and Sangromancer are also good vampires. I see the taste of blood working better if you had vampires with bloodthirst in there, which you don't so they aren't as useful as the could be. I think only 2 of Olivia Voldaren would be good, since she is a legendary after all. Its a pretty good deck but i don't think that the It that Betrays really belong, with so many of them it seems more like a black eldrazi deck. If you get the chance, take a look at my vampire deck, comments and suggestions are welcome.
I can see the use of the eldrazi spawn, they are the easiest tokens to keep a lot of because of getting so many each turn, multiplying them with parallel lives is even better. Plus they help with getting more tokens from the nuisance engine.
I would add a Crucible of Fire to give all dragons +3/+3 or maybe a dragon fodder or goblin offensive to get more use out of the voracious dragon. Care to take a look at my dragon deck? I'm going to use this in standard until its illegal then play modern with it.
If you can get a hold of them, the Maafield Twins and Dread Slaver are good cards. Moan of the Unhallowed helps get more tokens, and the Beacon of Unrest is a very nice card. However, i think this would best as an all zombie deck instead of zombie/mill, the Twins and slaver could replace the alchemist and the Geralf's Mindcrushers. Geralf's Messenger is also a diabolical card, and what about ghoulraiser? I know the cemetery reaper would also work well in the deck, so kep that card in mind. It's a good deck, but as i said, i think it would work better as a zombie swarm deck, with the Cemetery Reapers especially.
Another card that would make it evil would be the Craterhoof Behemoth, bring out this monster when you have a ton of tokens, and its a game-winner. It's kinda expensive though, but the birds of paradise would help with that.
I would say Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, the blue praetor makes for a very nasty combo with the jace's erasures and wouldn't be a bad addition. However, by the time you got it out you could have already milled someone two times over... The Rotcrown Ghoul and Geralf's Mindcrusher are okay, but somewhat expensive as well. Dread waters is powerful if you cast it when you have a bunch of lands and Thought Scour is a good card because you get to draw a card as well, making for more mill with the jace's erasures.
You are making very nice use of the Primal Surge in this deck, with the ability to get nearly your entire deck onto the battlefield, the only weakness i can see to that is a card like Life's Finale, someone plays that after you pull out your creatures using Primal Surge and you lose all of them, That is why i think a couple immortal elixirs would benefit this deck greatly. Can you help with my standard deck? I'm trying to make it better to improve my odds of winning in a tournament.
Those are some good points, I hadn't considered terrifying presence, or how well it would work with revenge of the hunted, thanks for the help.
I like the idea, quick way to get out the big creatures. For a good powerful creature, i would recommend the Engulfing Slagwurm, amazing big wurm. If they were legal, i would recommend Gaea's Anthem or Beastmaster Acsension, they would counter the -1/-1 from the heartless summoning. It would make for a great combo in a Modern or casual deck. Nice deck, i like it.
Kessig Recluse is a good spider, though more expensive than the other ones you have in the deck, it is a 2/3 reach deathtouch, it may come in handy since it can kill whatever it deals damage to (except an indestructible of course). It has helped me in a few of the decks i have made.
Awesome, i had an idea to make a deck like this, may be a Jade Mage would help, it can help you get out a lot more tokens. Heres my B/G Standard deck, I'm looking for ways to improve it:
Very nice ideas! I forgot about the quicksilver amulets, they would be extremely helpful, the Iron Myrs are a great idea, and the signal pests for more artifacts would make the Hellkite Igniter more effective. The glimmerposts however, i am not so sure about, they don't have as much potential as the golden urns do. Thanks for the ideas, they will really help!
Maybe an Infernal Plunge? i can see it working well with the Solemn Simulacrum, you sacrifice it for Infernal Plunge's effect and gain 3 red mana, plus you get to draw a card. Though it costs 1 red, you still have net gain 2 red mana. Check out my Standard deck, it is completed but I'm looking for ways to improve it:
hmm... Maybe add a Dark Imposter? It has very useful effects. Exiling other people's creatures and powering up one of your own is always nice., and when he receives the boosts from the Stromkirk Captain, he can become very dangerous If you feel like adding a little extra power, the Massacre Wurm is a great card, but may not work well in the vampire theme so i don't know. Life's Finale is good sorcery as a last resort, helps a LOT when fighting a deck that builds up a large army quickly. The Massacre wurm can also do this job very well though, and can be a game winner in come cases, considering mast large army's don't have a creature with a toughness of more than 2.
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