Help would be great
I am not to much help when it comes down to things to add to decks because I don't know to much of the thought that goes into it but just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. Just noticing that you do not have to many late game finishers so just wanted to add some extra help for what creatures you are going to have. Enchantments mainly: Stab Wound ~ mainly to slow down big heavy creatures and deal damage to their controller. Shrieking Affliction ~ if the opponent is going to have 1 card or less in hand lose 3 life points Predator's Gambit ~ +2/+1 your creature and gives intimidate if it is the only creature you control on field. That's the only things I can think of right now. And well these cards should be fairly easy to obtain as well.
Yeah, I am still debating because I wanted to go for a mix of agro/control but I really don't know where this deck is going.
If anything I am trying to be a little different, just for the fact that I have played my deck and I get handless within the mid to later rounds. I am just trying to figure out what it is that will work for me. At the moment Bloodgift has been taken out. I am undecided on whether I want to rely on top decking or have options.
Too many reap? as to what? I've seen decks like mine which is more or less the same amount as other decks with a few 4 or 5 mana costing things. So what is so wrong about my curve? I am debating on the 4th visionary. Reforge is in there because I wanted to test to see if it would be useful in MY eyes or not during test draws, If anything it will be a Reforge/Underworld Connections.
The reason as to why I have reforge is mainly for the fact that I have no hand literally half the time when it comes down to mid to late game matches. I kind of like the thought of Underworld connections but half the time people take out my huntmaster some way or another. <- I am just thinking of life count. My other deck that I ran had quite a few wincons; ran well just could not get them out since quite a few of my lands appeared during tournament play. I wanted to use Altar's reap as a block/sac to draw as an alternative to sign in blood. For now it will be either or altar's reap or sign in blood.
very much posible to go without vexing devil, just depends on your style of play. And there is always different types of agro out there. And well at the moment I do not own 4 vexing devil. So that is another reason on why I do not have them in here at the moment. I could always substitute them in later as I mess around with sample draws.
For reasons that it is a 1 drop is enough for me.
Yeah that was my bad on sideboard, was editing main deck without thinking about what I had in the sideboard. I took out the annihilating fire and added the 1 pillar. added 2 oblivion rings, 2 ground seals, and at the moment stuck at 13 cards for side board. Thinking about the rest in peace version over ground seal. Both have the same last ability but Rest in Peace exiles the graveyard while Ground Seal let's me draw a card. I would have to say it depends on the situation. I am more so for the exile of graveyard but for now since I have space gonna add in the ground seal. Noticed the Naturalize card and what would you rather go for Naturalize or Sundering Growth. Sundering growth would let me populate if my tokens were in field but are w/g w/g. Naturalize is destroy with a cost of Colorless/G.
What should I be considering for this deck as far as the sideboard would be concerned? I just kinda saw what other people had and went with what I think I would use and what I actually owned.
exactly how many more and what should i take out.
It depends really. I still have to test this out with my friends, and well they ain't standard players so I can't say much atm. My experience with RDW/ Fast decks basically you get lucky you get lucky. And this deck may be able to recover if I get some interesting pulls as well. The fast decks main point is to kill me within the 5-6th round if not there's a possible comeback, I know that much since I get that happening to me when I played my Previous standard goblin decks. Thinking gonna win 4th round boom ratchet bomb with me top decking.
The thunderous wrath is iffy for me only because if it is in my hand its a bad situation, if it is my next draw that would be awesome, that would have to be tested for me on how well it works. Dependent on the situation etc.
Well I will probably look into Huntmaster if I ever get a hold on a few later in future but for now I will add stromkirk noble instead.
I do like Stangleroot a whole lot better, as far as agro goes. Would have to see if I want more control or agro for this deck. Also for the cards that I actually own 2 less sigarda makes it easier for me to create the deck as well. I may have to break up the wolfir unless I can pick up 1 - 2 more of them so I will probably make a 2 Wolfir 1 thrag arrangement for now I am horrible at side boarding need to check other cards for graveyard removal. Or pretty much fix it entirely as well Gonna have a look at what my deck may do soon. Within the month I'll get back to you if I attempt a Standard tournament
I got no comments eh sigh...
I wanted to try a focus on the goblins more so but vexing devil has not pass my mind yet. And I forgot about my goblin grenade too.
Checked Oracle texts... I don't see any rulings on that card as far as color is concerned.. no oracle text from gatherer's or
Options for your 6 drops. Moltensteel Dragon could always be changed to something else. Possibly something like Inferno Titan since I see Mimic Vat. Primeval Titan if you have those would be good to pull land out from your deck. If you are using research/development. Maybe you can add other colors to your sideboard because when you sac with birthing pod you just search for a sac'd creatures casting cost +1 so something like black creature Sheoldred, Whispering One as a 1 of could be used in your sideboard. That card is beast since you can get a creature back during your beg. upkeeps and opponents have to sac a creature on their beg. upkeeps and she has swampwalk. As long as the creature is in your library.(kinda like with protean hulk who can dump all your 6 creatures and below onto battlefield without worrying about color if that is how that card works.)
most of what I have are from the latest sets[standard].
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