
64 Decks, 28 Comments, 1 Reputation

thx im also going through the dark ascension stuff to see what might help this deck too. just edited it when you posted

Posted 27 February 2012 at 11:36 as a comment on RDW


not too sure if i want to run with 2 - 3 of each card other than my lands. only have 1 hero of bladehold that'll have to wait to be put in. Lord of lineage? undying evil would be great but having only 2 would mean i'd have to be able to draw more, top deck it at the right moment. I wanted parallel lives in this too but did not know where the focus to this deck would be. and mana cost as well. i like the fact that no more than 29% is higher than 3 mana.

Posted 04 February 2012 at 08:19 in reply to #232122 on Lord of Innistrad


in my bug deck i don't have much of a problem with the lands, if i have to bring it in tapped by all means it comes in tapped. not sure if i want to lose isolated just for the usage of lands for Sorin. I need to test it though. thx for the advice. sadly i made this tourney style because I do not have other cards that date further back than what is currently standard play. I end up using my decks for casual play. But am building towards a possible standard deck with this too.

Posted 04 February 2012 at 08:14 in reply to #232117 on Lord of Innistrad


Have taken that thought into consideration and believe having sheoldred waste away a wurmcoil for two tokens then next turn bring wurmcoil back is worth the sacrifice :D.

Now I just need to figure out a sideboard for this deck. Anyone have any ideas? And am still taking advice for the deck its up in the air still.

Posted 23 December 2011 at 22:18 as a comment on BUG Standard


Hehe thanks for the idea Ian, Should post the viewdeck link for your link. was wondering why it said that this is not yours to edit :P.

Any ways of me revising this? not sure if my deck would work or not. I might try mayor of avabruck for early transform and tokens. Not sure

Posted 22 December 2011 at 21:36 in reply to #223618 on GW Standard Deck


This deck depends on the Draw, literally..... Had some trials with it and even a tourney and could not finish other people if land would play a factor. Being flooded or not having enough. Then Ratchet bomb becomes a problem for the tokens. I would consider running the Arc Trail in the main for instances where the other person you face is running weenies. There were times when I drew 6 lands straight. Took out the contested war zones myself because of the amount of times people stole it from me.

Posted 21 December 2011 at 12:51 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


For Jace's Erasure, it is only when You not the opponent that draw's a card and forces opponent to mill the same amount drawn. If you have multiple Jace's Erasure then it would be 1 or 2 or 3 milled for each that are drawn. I would worry against weenies, Burn or RUG decks. I do like the deck. It reminds me of my personal casual mill deck. I rather not like the use of Rites just for the double lands it would give to my opponent so it would be a rush for the finish IMO.

I would put some FlashFreeze, Unsummon/VaporSnag, Dissipate, are a few I would put in Sideboard for other stall cards. This is because if they are able to get something on the field you can unsummon back to hand then counter it later.

Posted 05 December 2011 at 10:38 as a comment on turbo fog (STANDARD)


Umm I just fixed my deck stats and I only have W/U colored lands. Not sure what I would change for Liliana atm. Dismember is the last resort cards. Unburuial Rites would need some switching of my lands.

Posted 05 December 2011 at 10:17 as a comment on U/W Control


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