It does, but having 8 fetches helps a lot. Yeah, village bell ringer is a shocker for most people. I attacked with all my creatures once, a Resto, Geist and Snappy, my opponent saw I didnt have any blockers so decided to attack with everything, so I flashed in the bell ringer and blocked with all but geist; won the next turn. Bell ringer can do some surprising work.
If I were playing this deck I would include every relevant transmute card available. Transmute into to battle of wits, its a uncounterable tutor. Just my 2 cents.
Changed it up a bit, added cryptics and Tasigur. My mid to late games relies on controlling what gets played and getting through with creature beats. Any ideas on how to more streamline it and making it more consistant in the process would be helpful, I really want this deck to work.
Any ideas on how to make the deck more streamlined and efficient?
How can i improve the deck to make it more streamlined and consistent?
Trying to make a new(er) Tron Archetype. U/W and U Tron already exist in the form of Gifts Tron and Mono Blue Tron. They're both great decks, but have weakneses in the form of aggro and grave yard hate. I'm attempting to address both decks weaknesses while still maintaining the "core" deck that makes them strong vs. other match-ups. Mono U Tron's biggest weakness is aggro strategies, it just plain fold to them; whereas Gifts Tron has a difficult time dealing with GY hate and other control strategies, they need to put a creature and unburial rites in the GY to control the opponent effectivley. I'm trying to take the best aspects of both decks and combine them into one deck. U Tron's control paired with Gift Tron's Aggro control will "In theory" take care of both of the decks bad match-ups. U Tron splashes black for Dismember, which is a great card but the life loss does hurt quite a bit. I see a much better splash in the form of white. White has Paths, board whipes and aggro creature control in the form of Ghostly prison. I know people are going to say that its difficult to play (WW) in a primarily Blue deck but there are mana fixers in the form of signets, prismatic lense and of course the all important expedition map, so I dont beleive mana fixing is going to be much of an issue. I could be wrong about that as I have not fully tested the deck yet. Any comments, concerns or suggestions are greatly appriciated.
Let me know if there is anything I need to add or cut to make the deck more consistent. This is just an experimental deck for Modern so nothing that is older that 8th edition please. What are your thoughst?
Another great card that can either burn for 2 or draw a card is Pyrite Spell bomb. I saw you have Magma Jet MD, i'm thinking about stealing that idea. Burn for 2 and scry 2 seems really good for Burn.
I have a very similar deck. I can tell you Eidolon of the Great revel is seriosly OP. A large number of decks play nothing but 3cmc spells or less, so you're turning avery single one of there spells into a burn spell. I would up the count to 4 of. I play 2-3 Dragons claws SB just for the mirror or for aggro decks that try and out race me. Another card thats great for your SB is Destructive revelry becuase it deals with both artifact and enchantments and burns them for 2. Since you're running fetches you can easily play stomping ground for Revelry. The only other recommendation is to play a Keldon megaliths or 2. I cant even count how many times that land has won me the game. One of the inherant weaknesses of RDW is that it typically runs out of cards to play fairly quickly. With megaliths out and no cards in hand you can still continue to ping them or their creatures every turn. Other than that, great deck! +1
No, I'm saying if your opponent plays chalice putting "One" counter on it, it will completely wreck this deck.
I can think of one card off the top of my head that would completely wreck this deck, Chalice of the void for 1 mana. Not many decks run that card and I dont really know why. Chalice hoses so many greedy tier one decks.
Any suggestion on more creatures to reanimate that can benefit the deck?
I still need to tweek the Main and Sideboards so any input would be helpful.
Fairly fast, once I get all the the disruption peices out( Lodestone, Trinisphere, Chalice). As soon as I get Kuldotha Forgemaster out its pretty much game over. The quickest kill is Kuldotha into a Blightsteel. Do you have a link for your deck, i would like to see how your differs.
This is meant to be more on the budget side on ANT. If there are any cards that can help the combo go off faster I would love to hear them.
any suggestions or comments?
Another card you may want to look at adding (when if comes out that is) is Waste Not. Should be out in M15. Such a useful card to have in a dedicated discard deck.
I had the same issues as you. I found that even though he seems like a good finisher, he rarely if ever happened to actually end games. Because of that I did eventually end up cutting him in favor of more board control. Believe it or not but Cursed scroll is actually "the finisher".
I am looking for any input on how to improve the speed and consistency of the deck. Any suggestions?
Woo's version has Cryptic and Snapcaster in. Have you tried that combo out? What were you playing againts that was overpowering it? You should have been completely or almost completely controlling the board.
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