I actually didn't expect to trade anyone, I just thought others might benefit from the idea of keeping their trade binders as a deck. I live in Canada, is kinda a hassle.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.
I still don't see it, I thought damage wouldn't matter cause you would burn them out faster. Sure your creatures are meant to trample over then fling, but what if they lock up the board and you need to clear a path? If your side is empty you could wipe zoo out, and a few other archetypes. Maybe it is too situational or maybe in straight burn. I guess I'll just try it and learn why it sucks.
Noob here, does earthquake do well in this type of deck? Would it work better in a straight burn deck? I just thought it could answer some threats while still doing damage, clear a path for your beats as well.
Yeah I wish there was a heroic bestow green dude, like a 1/1 hexproof for a forest, then you can bestow him for cmc3. I'll run mostly white to simplify the mana base, and use god's willing, brave the elements and Triton tactics to combat removal. About the ordeals, I just want to try chosen by heliod as a cantrip, and feed the amount of auras in play. Aqueous form though is a rocking card though, so easy to make and play test with out breaking the bank.
Looks like a lot of fun cards to play with, I think I'll make this deck as well for commander with my play group.
yeah good call, what counter spells should I main deck? Syncopate? I was kinda worried about getting overrun by w/r agro so I thought ratchet bomb would be good main deck. Thanks for the help
I wish evolve had spells that triggered evolve, kinda like populate does. Imagine something like 3CMC, return target creature to owners hand, evolve creatures under your control. I actually tried playing evolve and found it to be incredibly difficult, against just a little bit of removal you wind up playing 1/1 creatures on like turn 5. Garruk our kalonian hydra could make it more spicy?
yeah it is good, but misses the heroic trigger. a solid finisher, I run 4 gods willing 2 brave
Hey I actually play this deck and it posts surprisingly good results in certain matchups. The best card in this deck is Gods Willing, I would move it up to a 4 of immediately. It lets you cast your enchantments, but still keep mana open cast Gods Willing. Dissolve is great, it might hold you back too far. I don't run the cipher spells. Ordeal of Heliod may not be the best ordeal, but putting another 4 ordeals in here just increases the amount of threats you have. It just makes the deck do what it is supposed to do, Abuse people that have limited removal.
Ok, I stuck to your parameters, no rares and only $13.50 midprice. I dont think this could beat a tier 1 esper, but for $13.50 I think this deck is decent.Please check this out.http://www.mtgvault.com/jbonecapone/decks/hyper-budget-mono-black-agro-2/Sideboard has a bunch of alternates
Hey brother, good job utilizing Mogis' Marauder.What do you think about Rakdos cackler instead of slate street ruffian. 3 cmc is pretty expensive for no evasion. Or i think grey merchant could seal the deal. Give you the last bit of reach to win.Too bad no rares, dark prophecy is so cheap and could give this deck a boost, thrill kill assassin would do well as the 2 drop then.
Ravenous Rats?
Help me find a better 2 drop than Thrill-Kill Assassin to stall the board against agro. I was considering Basilika Screecher or Gnawing Zombie.
Yeah he'll fit in nicely with the selection of instants. Thanks
Hey I play an under $50 format, but I find the cards that fit this deck really expensive. Like a Snapcaster is half the budget, not to mentions sphinx's revelation. But any other budget suggestions that fit would be appreciated.
does clone assume the creature type?
I feel like there are some mill cards that I have overlooked that could give some synergy to this deck, any suggestions?
yeah so I broke this deck all up, against a deck with a little removal it had a really hard time. The evolve creatures just never amount to anything. i'm looking for any sort of removal that I can use in this deck, at this point all I have is rapid hybridization. I'm considering adding Turn // Burn instead though, and just using the turn portion. Any other removal options?
I think I'm going to drop the white from this deck, it is a budget deck so the land will speed up and I can't put more focus on Thorncaster.
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