Would love to ditch the lotleth trolls to bring down the value, but I'm hesitant because I lose my ability to pitch cards. I was considering bringing in red for faithless looting, but it makes the mana situation way slower when on a budget.
Thanks I forgot about that, same with boneyard Wurm. I put the order in, I'll play test it and see how it goes.
There isn't anything too special going on except for the Corpsejack combo, otherwise I'd dump those counters on the Vampire Nighthawk.
Are there any other creatures/spells that would benefit from being in the graveyard?
Is there a better 5 drop than Thorncaster? I'm really suspect about that card, I could see it giving tonnes of board control, but it relies on having strong board presence already. Do I need more creatures to make Descendant's path more reliable?
I'm concerned that the deck revolves around the Door Keeper's too much, you have a lot of counter spells, but I'd be worried about removal. Still looks really fun to play though.
I really like call of the conclave, a 3/3 on turn two, that then starts off your populate is very good in casual. Maybe drop out the 4x captains call, but you lose some synergy with the Temple and Odric. I'd also suggest 1 or 2 copies of Gavony Township if you got room in the budget.
Good call thanks, I'll give it a try
Some of the cards are just based on what I have. I actually just play Spitemares to replace 3 of the boros reckoners to keep the price down. Pretty much same effect.
Yeah, your deck looks fun. Do you get good use out of the Blood scrivener? I might give them another go, I was so pumped on them at first, but I couldn't ditch my hand fast enough to make them useful.I can hardly wait to get Immortal servitude and Killing wave in my next order, it will help recover from board wipes and creature floods.
Yeah i think you are right about the vampire nighthawk, the extra lifegain would me stick around abit. I'm not sure about the dutiful thrull either, I rarely have the extra mana to regenerate him, maybe replace it with Doomed Traveler or Judge's Familiar? Though I'm kinda losing my extort options.
21-31 of 31 items