You are focusing too much on defense. Elves are all about speed. Go for the early win. Add cards like Elvish Archdruid, Priest of Titania, and Fyndhorn Elves to give you mana. Get rid of Wellwishers and Jagged-Scar Archers. Add Eladamri, Lord of Leaves and Ezuri, Renegade Leader. Check out my deck if you'd like some ideas. (Keebler Assault)
Why are you running Greenweaver Druid? Run another Elvish Archdruid or Priest of Titania they cost the same and give you more mana. Take out Joraga Treespeaker and replace it with another Llanowar and put in some Fyhndorn Elves. Wildheart Invoker seems redundant to me. You already have Ezuri, Renegade Leader. But I suppose if you are going for the whole trample theme I would suggest Heedless One. Thing is your srategy is not very mana efficent. Elves are supposed to be fast. Swarm is better than big creatures. I would highly reccomend adding Elvish Champion and Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
I'd think about running a couple copires of Vampire Nocturnus. Yea Pulse Tracker is good. You might wanna also consider Bloodghast. Bloodghast is a phenominal card.
Here. This is a competition to make a life deck. It might give you some ideas. Also if you could take a look at my Sliver Slaughter deck I'd appreciate it. It's a work in progress lol.
You need to only run at most 2 copies of your Legendary Creatures. Running 3 copies is gonna seriously clog your deck especially since they are high cost. Also I noticed that a lot of your cards require you to sacrifice slivers. Keep in mind that with slivers build on each other and you're not gonna want to sac too many of em. I don't know why you don't have muscle or sinew slivers in your deck but you need to put them in. +1/+1 for every sliver for the low price of 2 mana? Good deal. Also you are definitely gonna want crystaline sliver. Otherwise people are just gonna pick your slivers apart with kill spells and nasty ablities. Take a look at my Sliver Slaughter deck. It works pretty well and there are some combos that might intrest you :)
Thank you for the advice :) I think I'll go ahead and change up the mana. I'm prob just gonna make my basic lands more diverse. I don't like fetch lands. As for my deck having no way to deal with flying consider the fact that my creatures will have 1st strike and or death touch. Hunter Sliver makes it to where if a flying creature enters play I just have to attack and make it block me. bye bye flying :) So I think I'll just sideboard Winged Sliver. Thanks for the idea though!
Hmm maybe you should add black? Sanguine Bond would be nice.
I have draw spells but yea maybe I should put some counter spells in there. Shifting Sliver is kinda one of my primary ways of doing damage though so I think I need to keep it in the deck. Coat of Arms I kinda use as a back up to Sliver Legion (that is easier to get out) and obviously I wouldn't play with it if I was playing a swarm deck. I might put in a Sliver Overlord but he's kinda expensive so I might keep 2 of the Homing Slivers.
Your entire deck seems to be about giving everyone +1/+1 abilities. How about adding a little variety? Maybe Horned Sliver or Shifting Sliver? You might also wanna consider putting in a Ward Sliver or two. Also if you wouldn't mind giving me some feedback on my Sliver deck I'd be appreciative. (Sliver Slaughter)
Thanks for the advice :) I was actually thinking that between having 4 Homing Slivers and 3 Crystaline Slivers I wouldn't have a problem getting Crystaline out fairly early. Plus there are the 2 Ward Slivers that could give me totall protection from whatever color I choose. I'm not sure I need another Crystaline. Especailly since, once I get one out, the others are useless to me. Thanks for the advice about the lands. I'll ditch the plains and swamps. I think I'll still keep a couple Mountains though to use for Homing Slivers.
Sweet thanks man. I played around with your Quick Sliver deck a bit. Would you mind taking a look and telling me what you think?
Yes Crystalline Sliver does stop slivers from being affected by other sliver abilities. Therefore cards like Magma Sliver will not work. It's a nice card to have so the Slivers can't get picked off but I agree with you that it does have its disadvantages. Regarding Muscle and Sinew Slivers I was thinking about removing a couple but I'm not entirely sure what to replace them with with. I need to keep the mana curve down so I'm limited in my options. Regarding Lands I might use Rupture Spire but Reflecting Pool kinda defeats the purpose of having 5 colored land. Most of my Slivers only require one colored mana to cast.
Pacifism? Take trade it in for annother 2 Muscle Slivers!!! As for your Counterspells and Swerves why not use Ward Sliver? Works better and you can attack with them too :) You may also wanna replace Doom Blade with Necrotic Sliver. Necrotic Sliver can take out any permanent you want instead of just a non black creature. Also if you wouldn't mind taking a look at my deck I would appreciate it :)
I don't think you need all those Harmonic Slivers. If I were you I'd worry more about wipeout spells like Wrath of God or Day of Judgement. Your Crystaline Slivers won't stop them. To stop that kinda thing from happening add Ward Sliver. Other than that I like your deck. It is concentrated :) I'm working on a similar type of Sliver Deck. If you'd take a look and offer me suggestions I'd be appreciative.
Nice. You actually have duplicates of your Slivers. Most people just put one of everything in there and hope to draw the perfect hand lol. If I were you I would add 2 to both Muscle and Sinew Slivers considering you can keep using those every time you draw em. I would also suggest adding Homing Sliver. That guy will allow you to get the cards you want when you want them. Also if you could. Take a look at my deck and let me know what you think of it.
So I'm thinking of building a sliver deck. Which of those two decks do you find works better?
Ahhhh gotcha. Well that works a lot better then lol. Now I like the deck.
Okay I'll be honest. I think your Quick Sliver deck is much better than this one. First of all Dormant Sliver gives all your creatures Defender. How are you going to attack? Second, Aluren works both ways and if you're playing an Elf or Faerie deck you may even find that you accelerate the other deck more than your own. Finally you're gonna have to be really carefull with Winged Sliver becuase even with Crystalline Sliver your creatures will be vaunerable to cards like Windstorm and Hurricane. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the concept of this deck, but I think there are more weaknesses here than in Quick Slivers and I really don't see how you intend to do damage when all your Slivers have Defender.
I love this deck. Best utilization of Slivers I have seen. I just have one question for you: Why have Winged Sliver if it is harder to block Shifting Sliver? Is it just the mana cost? Also I noticed in the comments above that you were considering Ward Sliver. I think having one or two in the sideboard might be a good idea. If you have to switch em out with Shifting Sliver then fine but when you play a mono or bicolored deck they'll come in handy.
I like this deck. Instead of using 22 mana though why not put in more mana tap creatures? They'd help with fighting and get all your bonouses. For example you could use Priest of Titania instead of Gaea's Cradle. Also please let me know what you think of my deck. (keebler assault)
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