Hm yes that is true, maybe ill put him in for the Cackler, but ill have to think about that. I mean his + are Haste, Reveal and he can block. The - are only the landadvantage if even noticable in the end, as the game might be fairly short. Think ill put him in ;)
Any other ideas?
Oh and also Lavaspike, forgot about him ;)
Yeah i just wrote the comment on rift bolt, i only knew the upper part, not the suspend part ;) Put it in now ^^ But Goblin i still dont feel completely comfortable with, the haste 2/2 is great, but the other effect may get negative reactions. Think its really up to try which fits better, i mean hes sideboarded for now, so ihes almost in the deck ;)
Hm actually rift bolt i only rad the upper text, but with suspend it makes quite sense, goblin guide i may put in for the Cackler, but im uncertain yet, have to try out what works better :)
Dont like them... i think this way its more effective, but obviously i may be wrong, i think goblin guide is nice and aggresive and i may even exchange Cackler for him, but rift bolt i really dont see why id want that. But i have yet to upload the sideboard, and goblin guide is already in there, just rift bolt i really dont see reason to :) And i dont like to copy everything, a little ingenuity was at order for this, so i decided to put in Satyr Firewalker for additional creature removal, so i dont have to wase any spells on creatures and well Vexing Devil and Elemental are selfexplainatory, Which version runs better remains to be seen though, but im fairly confident that this build will be quite competetiv ;)
Already excited :D
Hm also use Sinister Possession a lot in my Rakdos Deck, really helps getting Rakdos out and keeping the pressure on ;)
Hehe thats really nasty man :D In this combination i think Erebos becomes really powerful :) But alone the cant drawn, search library and 10 dmg is just sick :D Sanguine Bodn also a staple for lifedrain decks man really like this one :D
Will do man :D And thx ;)
Hm Erebos sound more interesting to me ;)
Yeah, that pretty cool deck, enough ramping, early game and late game with some agility due to the instants and sorceries, really like it :) Id maybe play 4x Elvish Mystic instead of 2x Golden Hind, but other than that it seems fairly complete and thought out :)
Will definitely do ;)
Thanks man appreciated ;)
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