Alright, hope youll give them hell with that deck :D
Hehe cool, if you want you can report back to me how it played out for you :D
Well why couldnt you ? :D Its fairly low budget anyway ;)
Thanks king :) cool you like the deck, i really enjoy the the heroic ability, especially with small and aggressive creatures, the r/w version is even more aggressive, but the b/w has some tricks up its sleeve, that makes this deck work really well :D
Yeah hes in my original built, this is the budget version i made for a cousin :D This is the original i made i boarded in Pack Rats and Mutavault instead of the Precinct, because it is more able to defen against aggro, but against other slower decks maybe id side precicnt in. Traumatize is also amazing, but highly situational and 5 drop, i mean if you already played like 1x Breaking, 1x Mindsculpt and a jace (0), than its only 15 card avg (even less) for 5, thats why i sided it out :)
Hm i know that would be a bomb land, but i created this to only run Innistrad Block + M12, but i will sideboard it for those whod like to play this extenden :) Everything with devotion + nykthos and maybe a land untapper is amazing ;)
Will do man :)
Thanks man :)))
Hehe exactly :D
Hm yeah goyf was an idea that quickly vanished :D Hm but scavenging ooze sounds interesting, i thought maybe a Desecration Demon could work as my oponent wont have that many thint to sac almost everything is gonna be dead most of the time, but scavenging is is definitely a great idea :) Hehe love Pack Rat too, with mutavault its just to strong to not include in a black deck with loads of non creature spell ;)
Hm i guess you are right there, but to be quite honest, he is more of a place holder until i find something more fitting :)
Haha great deck bro :D I like the variety in counter/removal and milling, also really like the Dakra Mystic in there nice way of controlling the game a bit and keep milling while at it :) Only i would maybe put in some Nightveil Specters and some Breaking/ Entering too :D Lazav in the sideboard really great in some matchups, but not all the time, think its a good decision you made him a sideboard card ;) Hm and maybe Psychic Strike would fit better than Dissolve, but i dont know, both have nice perks :)
Thx bro :)
Thx bro :))
Btw i made a new heroic G/W deck, feel free to check it out bro :D
Already excitingly waiting :D
Hm maybe a Dragon deck, a Vampire lifedrain deck, a Goblin Deck, a Samurai Deck or a Phenax miiling deck maybe ? :D Or and Artefact deck could be interesting too :)
Sure bro :)))
Hm that corpsejack was a genius idea :D Now its Sultai instead of Simic, but has some major advantages over standard simic ^^
That really nice build, like the token aspect, i also made a mono white soldier deck, feel free to check it out :D We definitely do have some similarites in both those deck :D
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