Say What You Want,it Went 6-0.My first game was aganist a affinity for artifacts deck(I lost the First Game,then second game I cycled in 4x Furnace Dragon and won the second and third One).Then Second Game I played the Burn Deck(Lost the first one,Then Cycled in Fling and Flinged a 17/17 Kilnmouth Dragon after attacking with it,And then She got a bad hand 3 game and i over ran Her).Third game I played a New magic player not playing a very good deck(I won the first Game,Went easy on him the second game,and won the third game.Forth Game the Guy i was going to play forfeited and wouldn't play me.Fifth Game I played A elf...... XD .....(I had fun playing this deck he would build and build and build............and then i would play thunder Dragon......I won the first and second game).And for My sixth Game the I played a Girl playing A blue Deck(She countered alot of my dragons,But she didnt counter them all.I ended up Over running her the first game,second game I Cycled in Red Elemental Blast(they saved me twice)won the second one).
I would Add them,but i don't know what to take out....Any Advice?
I like your idea,So i built one too, here it is if u want some idea's
Ummm,it looks ok,but how do u play the Progenitus?5 colors,u only can get 3 in this deck.Other wise looks like a fun casual deck.
Not bad,i love casual deck like this,and in torney play,if u don't say anything,Its a great scare to other players,10/10
I like it,its been a long time since i have seen a tooth and nail deck,good deck
Wow.......I'm speechless Good work
I don't know what i was thinking when i built this,i posted it on here and then i built it and played it,and when i wa play tetsing it with a bunch of buddies,I had a nice hand...........but i realized i couldn't target him with followed foot steps,but i could clone him,i will keep working on this deck,i injoy the way it runs.Oh,the artifacts help me get out Mirror gallery,why make copies of him when he Legendary.they also give me a second creature to make copies of,I like Sphinx of the Steel Wind,Its a nice Card,thank u for your comments.
No its ok,i know a few stores that do that.I have been to a store where they had a hole wall covered in watch wolves,and i couldnt help but to stare at it for ten mins,and i was so tempted to buy them all to cover a wall at home........ >.> i ended up buying 6 play sets though for a few decks.Damn polys lol
First,nice deck,I too miss Blastoderm too,He was a fun card,Second,i mean this with all respect,but,I demand a pic of all of the Platinum Angels glued to a wall,Very cool deck,i would like to play against it.Good work.
Lol i hit enter,but i could only spend 50 dollars on a deck,If u sign up for the torney all cards are half price for all the people that signed up,so this is what i built,I didnt have the option for Exhume or buried alive,only the cards in the case,other wise i would have added them.
This is built for a unique torney,The store give You a spending limit u can spend on a deck,
Oh and i also added One more progenitus,it runs great with 3,I have 4 but i always end up with a bunch in my hand if I add 4,i will put the 4th in my side Board.
Ok,I took the planeswalker out of my deck and put him in the side Board,I added Primal command for creature search.I also added Mayael the Anima to my side board to speed things up if i need it,her ability may cost 6 but it let me look at the top 5 of my deck and put a creature with 5 or greater power into play.Thank u for your great ideas.I could use more please.
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