Which deck?
i will run fog x4 fog and x2 tanglesap and see how it works.
I have room for the fog's but i never draw them when i need them....and i really want more land.........For when i drop howl......
Ya i thought about that......But I never have them when i need them......
Thank you guy's,I will be adding doubling Seasons to it,But i want to stay Creature restricted,So....i need some other defence,.....Any idea's?
Better,I love the deck idea and this is a great deck,i love Your deck's Dknight +1
You could do Quicken...
Ummm Donate is a Sorcery........So how do You chain it.........
Ok chilly,Causal means,You can run 4 of any card you want as long as everone is ok with it....That means 4 fastbond......The causal events i play.......Everone is ok with my 4 fast Bonds.........I have most of this deck in really life...and it ramps into 20 wolve around turn 5 and then turn 6 50......I ramp my mana Into Howl of the night pack........Its causal.........I don't run all my wolf cards because I have other wolf deck...i have 5........I love wolves and i want a fast deck around them.........And this is it so please don't Tell me what restricted because i have been playing for 8 years.....I said it was causal.......... Sorry i'm being a dick...and i thank You for Your Comments
Well i want more creatures but this deck was built for a causal play format that only lets you run 1 creature(up to 4 of that creatures),But i really want to lose the Exploration for something Cheaper(Money Wise)But i don't know what.......any idea's.......
I like it +1
.................Evil deck...... >.> (Sighs)Good job......This would wreck my dragon deck's +1
I plan on revamping this deck.I though about Glimmervoid and anicent Zigg.
Oh,sorry,I thought about prismatic omen but i'm wasen't sure
Wait,The fetch lands can fetch shock lands,If you red them the don't say a basic land.And i have seen them used in Torney's.They can fetch shock lands's.
..........Yes i do,The shock lands are the basic type's
>.> Lol He wont help U,This deck is fast in 40 card Constructed.I win turn 4 ever Time
Because Call of the Claw Only works for Non-token creature's
RoughneckBarbarian your awsome,You get a sh*t Load of cookies Thank You so much
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=33670 Sorry for the Double post
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