My suggestions are; You should DEFiNiTELY keep 4 Duress, against mass removal cards and combo decks. One Wrath of God or Black Sun Zenith pretty much cause you to lose the game. Instead of Searing Pain try Mizzium Mortars, that card deals more damage and in some cases an overloaded Mizzium can destroy your opponent. Well it can't target players but your creatures will do more damage if you kill all the enemy creatures. Take out Crippling Blight and add 4 Furor of the Bitten, with 4 Mizzuim and 4 Dreadbore you have enough creature removal. Furor gives you speed. And maybe Markov Blademaster can be usefull. I'm not sure about it but Markov + Furor = very powerful, that make opponent kill her or die by her sword.
41-42 of 42 items