My suggestions;-4 Empty-Shrine Kannushi-4 Mistmeadow Skulk+4 Akki Lavarunner (if you can flip it, it also double the damage of Pyrohemia)+4 Silver KnightAlso I think you dont need those shrines. For the Red shrine you already dealing enough damage with Pyrohemiaand for the life gain there are better options like "Nyx-Fleece Ram" or "Ordeal of Heliod" and Lightninig Helixs are also always here. So for the life gain I intend to keep it minimum just enough to keep you alive.-5 Shrines-4 Dawn Charm+4 Nyx-Fleece Ram (also an early blocker)+3 Boros Charm +2 Soltari Priest (unblockable)
This deck definetly needs "Enlightened Tutor".Imagine; "Enlightened Tutor" the "Phyrexian Dreadnought" and it will be on top of your library.Then cast "Cloudform" to manifest the "Phyrexian Dreadnought".Also "Enlightened Tutor" can also find the other piece of your combo "Cloudform", if you already have "Phyrexian Dreadnought".
By just removing War Cadence you can make this Modern legal.By the way I suggest you to add more Bloodline Keeper.My friend had a vampire deck. While playing against it, Bloodline Keeper was the crature I afraid the most.
I try the "Draw Sample Hand" like 10 ten times and it was all like this;Opening Hand : 7 landsNext 6-10 turn : 6-10 more landsSo a very high chance you basically do nothing for the first 6-10 turns except putting 1 land each turn.I think ANY deck can beat that.You have to be very lucky with this deck in order to win.Interesting idea but I dont like the decks depending that much on just lucky draws.
Very nice deck. I only doesn't like Isperia in the list. With "Propaganda" and "Safety Sphere" we make our ourselves hard to attack but that card gives us bonus if only we get attacked. Seems like out of the consept.Instead of that how about "Teferi's Moat" (only $0.25) also further supporting the pillowfort consept and an extra enchantment for the "Safety Sphere".
Any help and ideas will be much appreciated.
Nice deck but I see you are already running blue then why not;-2 Buried Alive-2 Entomb+3 Intuition ( It's instant, and can be used for anything not just creatures and you got to keep 1 card in your hand)+1 Braids, cabal minion (you can sacrifice creatures all day lets see your opponent can do it also)-2 Altar's Reap+2 Skullclamp (equip it to Gravecrawler it dies and you draw 2 cards, cast GC again repeat much more better than altar's reap)
Nice idea but the rules says;"You need to pay the costs of any cards you play from the Exile zone. This could be a problem if you don't have the right colors of mana available."I guess you need to add something like -Mana Cylix-Mox Diamond-City of Brass
I have a similiar deck to yours check it out; combos I like; Pariah+Stuffy Doll+Pestilence= For every 1 black mana opponent loses 3 life while you lose 0.Isochron Scepter+Orim's Chant=Stall while you set up.Duress/Hymn=Great defense againt combo decks.Wall of Resistance=A flyer blocker against fast decks which gets bigger and bigger if it survives of course.
Running out of gas and top decking is not good in any deck. For example after a Wrath of God or Mutilate it will take too much time for you to recover if you are top decking. Yes opponent also gets 1 extra draw and 1 discard. But now every deck has Madness and flashback mechanics like your deck does. Well in the end it comes to your personal decision.
Since you are playing Legacy why not add some Anvil of Bogardan.That why you will get an extra draw each turn and discard something with madness and/or flashback.-3 Force of Will (also this will make your deck very budget friendly)+3 Anvil of Bogardan (lets you draw cards each turn and a permanent discard engine also)-2 Aquamoeba (we have anvil now maybe we can but some self discard)+ 2 Call of the Herd (for just casting is good and discarding it then flashback it is also good)-2 Waterfront Bouncer (seems like having more than 1 is not needed and also we now have anvil for discard )+2 Bearscape (For further using cards even after they are used)
Deck looks good, I like it. But if I were you I'd cut the all other colors except black and red. And have a nice mana base. (also you can add "Geralf's Messenger" which is a great creature)You have very nice and cheap discard spells. So dealing with the permanents will be no problem for you. (add maybe some "Black Cat")And also dealing with creatures no problem because of the "Goblin Bombartment".Add 4 "Blood Artist" so you make the deck more focused on bombartment.
It would be great if I could add some "Kessig Wolf Run"s for trample but it want 1 red and 1 green mana to activate which neither of the colors avaible in the deck. Yes "Supreme Verdict" and any other un-counterable or split second removals can manage to kill my angel. But still, I can still unsummon my own angel to save her from dying, besides that if someone finally manage to kill my angel and if she goes to graveyard I can remove her from the graveyard with Moorland Haunt to put a 1/1 flyer token and equip it with pike anyways :)
Yes, the Angel + Pike is the only kill condition in the deck. Note that this is a control deck. So killing my angels will not be easy. Especially snapcasters can give flashback to one of the counterspells in the graveyard. Even more you can blink snapcasters with the Angels and give flashback to another counterspell. If you add think twice, thought scour (targetting yourself of course) and sphinx's revelations to this mix opponent can hardly keep up with that kind of card advantage.Plus there is 20+ instant in deck so Angel + Pike turns into a 10+/4 first striker flying that can end the game in 2 swings.
If you don't have Rishadan Port,You can add a few Wastelands if you have but if you don't they are even more expensive.And maybe you can add 1 or 2 Volrath's Stronghold.
25 land is too much. In a monoblack deck 21 is enough.-8 Swamp-4 Disentomb+4 Rishadan Port+2 No Rest for The Wicked (great against mass removals, which your deck suffers the most)+1 Grave Pact (When you sacrifice for Marrow-Gnawer, every other player sacrifices a creature every turn, not bad)+1 No Mercy (survival)+3 Duress (great against combo decks, great against removals, great against almost any deck)+1 Drain Life (survival+removal)
Boros icin
I like your deck. Especially this days when nearly all the decks using roughly the same cards I'm really happy to see a deck like this. (I think I am gonna punch the next guy in the face who cast Thragtusk) But seems like all the deck relies on Krark's Thumb to make things funny. And you ll have lots of games which you cant draw a single copy of it even if you put 4 in deck. (talking about luck :)) Maybe add some Muddle the Mixture to deck as 5. and 6. copies of the Thumb.
Etkili bir 3 - drop yaratik yok haci sanki destede, -2 Deviant Glee -2 Rakdos Keyrune +2 Hellhole Flailer +2 Vampire Nighthawk yada +2 Geralf's Messenger (gerçi bu zombie)
Maybe you like casting Wistful Thinking and/or Urza's Guilt while liliana and underworld are on the battlefield!!!
21-40 of 42 items