I think that the deck is pretty good...but in my opinion you should replace nameless with smother from the sideboard....they are way better
Also the kirby dance is amazing! I like it....I 'll start using it...
I like this deck a lot....with the help of your instants you give first strike and power up your creatures out of nowhere....great deck...it is also cheap and well ballanced!
I wiil give you an idea of what my reall deck is like...plz comment
I really thank you for your advices..... I think you are totally correct......the deck i use in tournaments is more like the one you told me to make....but this is an averege deck i have in order to play with my young brother who is not very good in magic lol ^_^....
Pretty good
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice ^_^
104?????????????? u kiddin me?????????//
The deck is called code of the orzhov
It really looks like a ready expert deck I have bought....u have just replaced some cards.... nice idea but i think it is the wrong deck to try it out
some more creatures whould be great...
there sure is a variety of creatures...this is on ur side....dut i dont think terror fits in this deck....u should add more mana creating cards in my opinion....
sliver queen cost is 25 dollars?????? u kiddin me?
I believe that the luck of spells could be a bit of a problem....but with the slivers abilities you overcome it....I like your deck...
I totally agree with deathrender too........
Why not to use some form of the dragon...they might be usefull....just an idea
You could add some cruel revivals....In my opinion they are hellpfull in zombie decks
Well your deck is really good.....there are infinite combos yhat you can use....I like it....its perfect
How are you supposed to use dark supplicant with no clerics in your deck?
I think those card are more than enought....
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