nice deck
i agree with the above! Nice work in putting those cards together!!!
this is a very nice deck...i could only propose you to replace some of the archive traps with traumatise and you could also chech tower of murmurs since you have a lot of ways to bring land so you will have enough mana to activate it..nice deck
i have played it and that's why i am saying that....did not want to offend you deck!
this is just an upgrade of a theme deck named code of the orchov...i think it is not a good deck
first of all i think 73 card are too need to reduce the card number... amd also i would suggest memnarch instead of roil elemental...i think its better but thats a judjment general its a good deck
i am sorry the card is named whispersilk cloak!!! xD
you could also think about adding some whispersilk cloth or some artifacts and enchantments that give flying like neurok hoversail. Great deck...thumb up!!!
i would also gave a look in M10 for some new soldiers that would fit in this deck if i were you
yeah i think shock would be a good addition...nice deck. really nice
well little zombies in this deck for my taste lol...but the idea is good and its still a black deck! go on zombifanboy! +1 cause i tested this deck and i won 9 out of 10 times
I am surprised that noone commented on such an inspired deck! I liked it a lot and i got some ideas about a deck i am about to create!
Its a smart idea plauing with creatures from the grave since there are many zombie card suitable for this job! i liked this deck a lot
i have a question to ask...cemetery reaper sais "exile" target card from a graveyard...does that mean "remove" target card from a graveyard?
Again another great zombie deck!
if you ever have the time plz give a look at my new deck :! i would appreciate it! thnks
well let me tell you that i have used the combo ''call to the grave''-''debtors knell'' in the past and it is not that good due to knells big(huge) might seem good but it is not can test i t too and let me know! Also i prefer ''boneknitter'' instead of "zombie master" cause its a cheap card for a quick start! The idea of playing "thraximudar" from the grave on the other hand is something i am going to try putting "bebtors knell" back into my deck! Nice idea mate xD....i am waiting for your next zombie deck! keep me posted
replace seismic strike with spitting earth whould be the best start on your improvments! i liked the choice of dragons you made
this deck is even better thanthe previous one! i am glad there is such a big zombie fan that gives so many inspiring ideas!( i miss call to the grave though xD )...this deck must be a killer in battle!
i have placed cemetery reaper in the sidedeck. the only reason for this is that i actually dont have any of these....i havent tested my deck either yet but i will soon. please do keep me posted on yours
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