why didn't you add mindsculpt? a set of those could mill your opponent for 28. also, you could try adding in fog bank to keep creatures at bay while you mill out your opponent. as for the lands, maybe you could throw in a set of sulfur falls, or, seeing as though this is a modern deck, you could throw in some izzet lands. increasing vengeance or reverberate would do well, too. increasing confusion and sands of delirium are also some other mill cards you could consider. but anyway, it's still best to go with what you feel suits your metagame. if you have the time, i'd like to hear any suggestions you can make for my grixis control deck. ^_^ http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaa!
hahaahhahaahhahaha thumbs up!
why not add a couple of black vise? also why not try sign in blood? make your opponent draw 2 then take 2. ^_^ anyways, i'd like to hear any suggestions you could make on my grixis control. thenks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697
have you considered trying sorin's vengeance? it synergizes well with chandra's -2 for a clean 20 damage. also, you could try out tribute to hunger or barter in blood for hexproofed creatures. and if you have land problems, a half set or three of evolving wilds could fix that. but still, better to go with what you're comfy with ^_^ b btw if you got the time, i'd love to hear your suggestions for my grixis control. thenks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697
why not try out invisible stalker for curiosity? also, why not splash a little black for sign in blood? forcing your opponent to draw 2 then take 2 kinda synergizes well with this kind of set up. but anyways, it's always best to go with what your gut tells you. ^_^
I'm a big fan of control decks, especially mono-black! ^_^ b anyways, why not try adding a grafdigger's cage to the sb for dealing with pesky undying shtuff? i dunno. haha anyways, it's already a pretty smooth deck as it is. goodluck at the PTQ! also, if you have the time, could you check out my grixis control deck? i'd really appreciate any suggestions or advice you could give, for both the main deck and the sideboard. Cheers! ^_^ http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697
umm . . . i checked the deck list a couple times and, like, where does the green come from? 'cause the colors under the deck name show black, red and green, but the deck stats and card lists have no green in them. but anyways, nice deck! ^_^ if you have the time, could you help me out with my grixis control? i'd really appreciate any advice you could give for both the main deck and sideboard. especially the sideboard! hahaha. Cheers! ^_^ b http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697
hmm. that's true. i was thinking of ditching the 2 thought scours for another mana leak when i find one, ('cause right now i only have 3) and another kill spell like, yeah, doom blade. the cower in fears though, i was thinking that if i were to replace them, i'd need to swap in other possible board sweepers. 'cause i've noticed during play tests against more creature-spam decks that i usually have trouble with swarms of cheap weenies. what would you suggest? and also, are the creatures okay? i was thinking of adding a bloodgift demon for the card draw, since consecrated sphinx is kinda expensive. thanks for the suggestions, by the way ^_^
If you're more into control-ish decks, this one is $16 at it's lowest. haha also, I'd really appreciate any suggestions you could make to the build. Cheers! (^_^) b http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697
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