
5 Decks, 56 Comments, 30 Reputation

add Soul of The Harvest if you want to replace Staff of Nin for card draw.

check out my Grixis control if you have the time. i'd like to hear any suggestions for it.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tada!

also, i'd like some notes on a BG Slaver deck i'm working on.



Posted 10 August 2012 at 11:15 as a comment on G/W/R ETB deck


needs moar jace. . . . atleast 5 . . . hahahaha

Posted 10 August 2012 at 10:37 as a comment on Cephalid Midnight Snack~


needs moar jace. . . . hahahaha

Posted 10 August 2012 at 10:35 as a comment on Cephalid Midnight Snack~


it's more like tempo than control, since you have more creatures than spells.

Posted 10 August 2012 at 09:47 as a comment on Scrying Heavens


interesting deck list. looks fast. why not try swapping in the 2 burn at the stake for 2 reverberate? you could also try volcanic geyser, which is an instant, instead of devil's play, so you can cast it on your opponent's end step for some extra damage, or to get rid of a big creature, and free up your mana on your own turn.

also, tribute to hunger will synergize well with tragic slip, so that if your opponent has a good creature and a lame one and decides to sac the lame one for the tribute, you can hit a smooth -13-13 on the other one.
brimstone volley would work well with tribute too, to sync in 5 damage on your opponent's end step.

nice comp,man. if you have the time, i'd like to hear any suggestions you would make for my grixis control.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tada!


Posted 10 August 2012 at 09:23 as a comment on Hatred of a thousand Suns


nice mill concept. at first i couldn't get the main combo, 'cause i kept forgetting that this was built around heartless summoning. so, when i took that in to account, it all made more sense.

very nice build, man. very creative, smooth synergies.

if you have the time, i'd like to hear any suggestions you would make for my grixis control, as i'd like to have it ready for serious FNM gaming soon.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaa!

Posted 10 August 2012 at 09:13 as a comment on I'm so heartless


O-ring Mana Barbs, cast Worldfire, stare at your opponent.

Posted 10 August 2012 at 06:44 as a comment on Worldfire Deck Idea


U/G is something i've always wanted to try. this is a nice set up.

the only thing i might suggest is an alchemist's refuge swapped in for one of the evolving wilds . other than that, it's a pretty solid set up as it is ^_^

if you have the time, i'd like to hear any suggestions you would make to my grixis control. i wanna get it ready for serious FNM gaming, so i'd really appreciate the help.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tada!


Posted 09 August 2012 at 15:25 as a comment on [UG] Aggro Control


pretty solid, man. but since doom blade is about to rotate out, i'd suggest swapping it in for tragic slip, and swapping sign in blood for altar's reap, so that you can activate the morbid for the slip if you need it, while drawing 2. for consume spirit though, maybe death wind?

but if you don't plan on taking this to standard games, it's all good. solid list.

Posted 09 August 2012 at 15:18 as a comment on facism


hahahahahaha I LIKE THIS DECK! nice title, too!

this is one of the more creative G/W decks i've seen. it's got smooth synergies. can't think of anything i would change in it. maybe just add the usual stuff in the sideboard, like witchbane orb and o-ring.

good build, man.

if you have any time, check out my grixis control. i'd love to hear any suggestions or bounce ideas.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaa!


Posted 09 August 2012 at 14:58 as a comment on Bounce THIS


hahahahahaha the title suits.

Posted 09 August 2012 at 14:51 as a comment on Bounce THIS


i always misread "promise of bunrei" as "promise of brunei"

Posted 09 August 2012 at 14:34 as a comment on Epiclesis™


if you want to speed things up, you can drop the 3 rakish heir for 3 more vexing devils. maybe 2 fervor would be nice, instead of 2 blade of the blood chief, and you can drop the vampire nocturnus since the static ability wont be as consistent due to the fact that you're playing B/R and not mono black. you can throw in some ghost quarter instead to round out your lands, so that you can get a 1 or 2 land mana boost by destroying your own tapped swamp to bring in a new one, if you're really rushing.

if you have any time, check out my grixis control deck. i'd love to hear any suggestions.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaaa!


Posted 09 August 2012 at 13:59 as a comment on Red Black Vampire


nice deck!

white/green isn't a a deck i'd usually play, 'cause i'm biased towards decks that have black in them. hahah
but i'd love to be able to give this deck a shot.

also, have you tried soul-bonding Thragtusk or Acidic Slime to Dead-Eye Navigator? maybe you could splash in a little blue for it? or if that would be a little bit too taxing, why not try building a midrange deck around it?

anyways, it's a cool build, man. good luck at FNM!

Posted 09 August 2012 at 12:29 as a comment on Standard - Flicker, Thragtusk


yeah, Pillar of Flame's exile is great for dealing with undying dudes, but i feel it's more of a sideboard card than a main decker, mainly 'cause it's a sorcery, and not an instant. I'm mainly trying to get most of my spells to go off on my opponent's combat phase or end step, to free up enough mana for both a creature drop and spells to protect it on my own turn.

as for Bolas, i'd love to have a couple copies, it's just that it's way outta budget for me. hahahaha maybe i could split a Bolas vs Ajani duel deck with someone? haha ^_^

Posted 09 August 2012 at 12:24 in reply to #279858 on Budget Grixis Control (Post-M13 Pre-RtoR Standard)


it'd be great if you had some humans to sac for the aristocrat, though. but anyway, it's a pretty nice comp. you'll just have to drop 1 card from the sb to hit the 75 card limit.

also, why not try throwing in hex parasite instead of fumespitter? that way you can remove more than just one -1-1 counter from one of your creatures, and give your geralf's more lives to undie. haha

anyways, in the end it's always best to just observe your local metagame and adapt accordingly.

if you have any extra time,i'd love to hear any suggestions you would make for my grixis control. i'd like to have it ready for serious FNM gaming as well.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaaa!


Posted 08 August 2012 at 13:46 as a comment on FNM Aggro


smooth synergies, mang. ugh i would love to be able to play this deck. it just sucks that the shops i go to dont stock up on SoM block stuff anymoar. T ^ T

Posted 08 August 2012 at 13:23 as a comment on Scrapyard Burn


i think you should swap the kraken hatchlings for fog banks, 'cause you're open to attacks from flying creatures, though you do have a looot of counter magic anyways.

otherwise, it's a nice concept. ^_^ b

if you have any free time, check out my grixis control deck. i'd love to hear any comments and suggestions!

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaaaa!


Posted 08 August 2012 at 11:05 as a comment on Hamletback POWER


i like b/w decks a lot. ^_^

dont you think you'll get mana problems during play tests? a couple evolving wilds could help you get the lands you need. also, i would drop the demonic taskmaster for something else that isn't so taxing to keep on the field. maybe even add 3 more doomed travelers instead.

for the card draw, you could swap the sign in blood for altar's reap, use it on your opponent's end step, sacrifice a doomed traveler, gain 1 and have your opponent lose 1 from blood artist, get a spirit token, gain another 1 from suture priest and then draw 2 cards. ^_^

but, as always, it's always best to observe your local metagame and adapt accordingly.

if you have any time, check out my grixis control, and tell me what you think. i'd love to hear any suggestions!

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaaaa!


Posted 08 August 2012 at 10:50 as a comment on Budget Tokens


there's a lot going on in this deck. at first glance, i thought it was an edh deck 'cause of all the singles. haha

but, anyways, if you intend to make this a spirit tribal deck, i suggest dropping the humans and getting sets and half sets of the spirits that synergize well with each other. getting a full set of Drogskol Captain will do wonders for your spirits.

for the lands, i would drop the reliquary tower in favor of a Moorland Haunt, and also throw in a set of Glacial Fortress to ease up your mana needs. for spells, more Midnight Haunting would be great, and if you decide to include Lingering Souls, you might have to splash in a little back for the flashback cost.
Intangible Virtue is also a must if you decide to go the more token heavy route.

but, as always, it's best to observe your local metagame, and adjust accordingly. ^_^

if you have any time, check out my grixis control deck. i'd love to hear any comments or suggestions.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=371697 -('o' -) tadaa!


Posted 08 August 2012 at 10:35 as a comment on Spirits (New! Help needed)


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