Thanks for the suggestion, i'll add it to the sideboard so i can take it out if i'm fighting another Tribal. Thing is though, i can have 3 of the Primal Cocoon/Joraga Warcaller combos up at the same time, for less mana. Nice suggestion, nevertheless
Surprised you haven't gone for the most common win condition i've come up against with slivers: "spam slivers and be passive(ish) for a while, then play Shadow Sliver and obliterate everyone since they can't block them". Shit's me off so bad haha
Combination of an Elf stompy with epic mana acceleration. Thoughts please?
With all that mana at your disposal, and only Omnath to use it on, i think you could add a lot more scary things. Also: Joraga Warcaller + Primal Cocoon = tank elves. Take a look at my deck, see if you can pull things you want;
Fresh Meat. That is all =)
Urza's Incubator isn't standard anymore, so you can't use it in official play. I'd suggest putting some Birds Of Paradise in there as well, since this is all about the mana. Apart from that, having played its predesessor the other night, i'm gonna hate playing it =P
Not as hilarious as this one though;
Oh my god, that's hilarious. I actually lol'd, nice one. But as long as you aren't playing standard or tourney rules, it's legal (those two artifacts are no longer legal). I love this xD
Added Leyline of Anticipation just incase i get into a bit of a scrape with creature-removal
Wow, I'd forgotten about good old sparky. I was trying for the whole "creatureless burn" though, hence no creatures at all in this one. Thanks for the suggestion though =)
Also, Go For The Throat simply sounds more at home in this deck than Doom Blade =P
I know you have the Hexmage just because it's a Vamp, but why dont you have anything that benefits from its ability? a Dark Depths or something will help you take advantage of that, as well as provide you with a win condition. If you don't want it for it's ability and want to keep it pure vamp, then take Bloodghasts instead =)
Very nice, it does however make me wonder how you'd deal with a burn deck though - if they lightning bolt your lacky turn 1, then your speedy win strategy seems to fall over a bit...
This deck is quite beastly, i'd hate to play it. Well done sir =) although i'm not sure why you don't have Kokusho in a sacrificial deck. Care to have a look at my sacrificial/combo deck to see what i mean? =)
Yeah, burn and infect decks are going to give you a lot of early grief. Also some of the quicker combos.
This looks....incredibly painful to face actually. I'm not sure you really need to add anything, but have you considered Szadek at all? He does the same job as the Nemisis except it doubles after every successful attack.
I think having so little of all your lands is going to be a bit of a weakness with this deck - remember you have the Gemhides, so once you get them into play you don't need every type of land. Also don't knock the basic buff slivers; Sidewinder, Watcher, Bonesplitter, Might and the like. Having a few of those out is easier and harder to eliminate than Sliver Legion. Apart from that, very solid. I always did like slivers :)
You're right about the mage, i think i misread that. Took them out and added in a couple more lands. Thanks for the input :)
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