I haven't done much with dragons maze. Not really impressed with it
Yeah. I have a strange fixation on standard for whatever reason. I do make decks that aren't, but I usually stay true to standard.
I like to keep the mana curve low. And the flashback is a ridiculous but comes at a ridiculous cost
I was thinking of ridding is deck of fathom Mage. It's really not that beneficial to the deck. I really like your idea with rapid hybridization though! Perhaps I drop to two hydras and put in a few rapids and a couple Ceretok. I had them in there before but decided against it because of the high CMC.
Primordial hydra wasn't for copying. It was to take advantage of the small mana ramp in this deck. Wih a fewlands and pilgrims it will become a real threat (obviously) Which means it becomes the main target. Allowing me to use it as a pawn almost. They can either focus on the hydra and let me play the point of this deck -copying creatures: my own or my opponents- or leave it and eventually becomes a 32/32 with trample.
Judging on the fact he said "choose who goes first" he's probably playing casually and with very loose rules. I remember the days of anti-summoning-sickness and mana-drop.
Index then Thought scour would be good. That way you can plan what you will mill and draw through with thought scour AND what you'll mill (if any) and draw on your next turn.
Slag fiend is a good option. Wouldn't be killed off with creeping corrosion and all those artifacts going to the graveyard only boosts his P/T! And with primordial hydra + liquimetal coating you can turn it into an artifact and have all those counters go to him. Not necessarily an instant fix but a way around losing everyone. Drop some of the higher CMC Arcbound creatures and from a couple of each in and you gonna have some beastly creatures.
I like the theme you're going for. I construct decks in a similar way. But you have to keep in mind, a deck so heavily dependent on artifact creatures leaves you wide open to things like Creeping Corrosion. I also have and Arcbound themed deck you might like. Feel free to check it out! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=303601
And elf mill win....I like it!
Also this deck would get wrecked in about 4 turns if they're playing someone who knows wtf they're doing
The top two decks on home page today are decks that I made a long time ago. And mine siding get shit. Wtf is that? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=303601
I made a deck like is last month. No one said shit. It's almost the same damn thing. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=404385
This deck will never exist
With seeker of skybreak you could double or triple your mana pool depending in how many copies you put in
Indeed. I almost took index out because unlike ponder you can't draw a card. But I can set up my next five turns. Not a bad sacrifice haha
Thanks! And that is their sole purpose in the deck.
If you play the Herron crabs and Terramorphic expanses right along with the other mills. With two Hebron crabs, and island and a Terramorphic expanse you can mill 12 on turn two. With ghost quarter, archive trap, and twincast you can mill 26 for two mana. With two archive traps in hand and the same strategy that's 39 for 2 mana. Run it the right way and it is insanely fast.
It is fast which throws me off sometimes because i try going TOO fast. simple mistakes usually involving the hedron crabs. and i like that infinite mana loop you got there. Three colors usually ain't my cup of tea but with that combo I may take a whack at it.
I just wanted one or two drops only. It was more of a theme than total practicality. Jace is overused but I like your other ideas!
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