No Tome Scour? Also with archive trap you could use ghost quarter. Only works once on your opponent but a very easy way to use 1 or 2 archive traps in a row. Also twincast.
Word. I've been trying to find decent three color combos worth making a deck around but I guess I just don't feel like looking hard enough. I had a good idea for a WRB deck but it wasn't possible to keep it standard at all.
I try to keep it to 2 colors or mono. Very rarely is there a good combo I can't limit to one or two colors
Money is no issue. But if you want to talk about overpriced cards, dual lands is the topic for that convo. I never play dual lands. They've never helped me.
I usually mill myself. I'd probably end up milling through him every time haha
running hedron crab your gonna want evolving wilds or terramorphic expanse, or both! but you have an infinite mill combo. you could replace everything except painters servant and grindstone for draw cards to get em faster.
This can't work turn one
also the evolving wilds are pretty much pointless in a mono deck unless youre gonna run Hedron Crab. mill needs to be as fast as possible, drop everything that doesnt mill or let you draw and sub in any of the cards i put above and you should have a pretty fast mill deck
while traumatize is good, if this deck runs well in any way whatsoever, which it seems like it would be a little slow, unless you somehow draw 3 or 4 tome scours, it wont be worth a 5 drop. 7 card draw plus a unlikely max possible of 26 mill by turn 3 or 4, 4-5 draws by the opponent, plus the time it takes to get 5 mana for you, your opponet will be down to about 30 cards. a 5 drop for 15 cards is a waste of mana. Thought Scour, Memory Sluice, Sanity Grinding, Vision Charm, and Increasing Confusion are some major options to consider. Also if you open it up to blue and black there are a few HEAVY hitting mill spells for low mana.
ghost quarter teamed with archive trap and twincast is a beast combo. with the right hand and draw you can mill the entire deck in 3 or 4 turns
if you want tournament quality your still gonna want to thin it out more. I run a 60 card mill thats almost creatureless (creatures being hedron crab and nemesis of reason for mill only) and it does a good job. i dont know what you have to a spending limit or access to cards but here are my suggestions. id keep Mind Funeral, Tome Scour, Memory Sluice, Dream Twist, Increasing Confusion, and put Jaces Archivist back in. Put in Hedron Crab with Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse, Glimpse The Unthinkable. I use Archive Trap with Ghost Quarter as a HUGE mill if i can get the combo. and Twincast. but ONE thing - You HAVE to think about your moves to make a good and fast mill deck. and with the cards i mentioned you can pull off some impressive stuff.
7 more won't hurt it. It's quick because it's mostly one and two drops
spellbook would be good if your main goal is to pump the thought gorger. better would be vensor's journal. giving you an unlimited hand and life gain during your upkeep, no need to stall. one more card to consider that wasnt very popular before that is making a name for itself is Consecrated Sphinx. a bit heavy at a CMC of 6 but it allows you to draw two cards whenever an opponent draws a card, bumping you hand up enormously. get up to 10-15 cards and you got yourself a hell of a thought gorger. i would drop the swords and put a sword of feast and famine in there for mana control. you'll ALWAYS have mana to use your spells.
love this deck style. good combo
both of ya
slow slow slow
a good combo with hedron crabs are the fetch lands terramorphic expanse and evolving wilds. i dont know if youre just using cards you have access to or are buying ones you need. memory sluice is a one drop to mill 8 if you have two creatures and 4 if not.. spellskite is another good way to avoid damage to you and your creatures.
seems like the self mill would be slow. ive also noticed theres barely any self mill decks that run jace's archivist. i run a standard self mill that has only lost a few times. and i play NO ONE that runs standard decks. i just target myself with every spell.
no ghoultree?
Mycosynth golem is pretty much useless seeing as how he's the only one with a high cast. I'd drop the Chris's Goria stuff and Mycosynth and put broodstar, master of etherium and cranial plating
21-40 of 60 items