
25 Decks, 91 Comments, 10 Reputation

OMG, your total right! my apologize :P

Posted 25 February 2012 at 23:29 in reply to #236990 on Kill in 5 turns pauper.


btw yes I understood your point with this deck. Mill yourself for creatures and get em back with zombie apocalipse.

but I would take out zombie apocalipse for havengul lich + rooftop storm, so you can summon your graveyard for 0 mana on each creature + 1 for lich.

Posted 25 February 2012 at 18:53 as a comment on Zombie Apocalypse


check mine plz, its on second page.

if ur running tragic slip, diregraf captain and geralf messenger... you should think about mortarpod.

another thing, not sure if 3 zombie apocalypse is needed, I would suggest 2, since you will run it probably only once per match.

another thing, think about high priest for your deck... I would take 4 screeching skaab and add diregraf ghouls.

well... cya :)

Posted 25 February 2012 at 18:50 as a comment on Zombie Apocalypse


hmmm -4 shrine

+2 Timely reinforcements (this hels for when you dont have your doomed traveler turn 1. - land your honor of pure, intangible virtue, and then put your timely reinforcements to work boosting any hp loss and bunch of 3/3-4/4)
+2 Gather the townsfolks (nice way to end a match turn 4)

I would defnly main deck timely reinforcements.

about your side... take off gut shot. you dont need spot removal. Your deck should be focusing boosting your tokens, not focusing on removing oponents delver. Soon or later your oponent will learn that he must block this deck to try to not die at turn 4 because this is the actual fastest deck at T2.

Posted 25 February 2012 at 18:42 as a comment on black white tokens. the right way


This deck dont need spot removal. He can just overnumber with tokens. Your opponent will realize soon that he must block this 4/4 tokens or die at turn 4.

Posted 25 February 2012 at 18:31 in reply to #237054 on black white tokens. the right way


I had tested similar settup... I would suggest taking off altars reap and add whipflares for early table removal (since theres a LOT of tokens around - or ratchet bomb).

also, not sure what to take off, but bitterheart witch + brimstone volley = 10 damage (get your bloodletting curse). Got some few games finished that way.

Posted 25 February 2012 at 00:07 as a comment on CURSE THIS!


If you like Zombies, Help me!
Won 14 people torney, trying to polish it even more.

link is here or in comments


Posted 24 February 2012 at 16:24 as a comment on 1rst place Zombie T2 Link


Thank you for the tip. Moved bsz to side, added one more obliterator and 1 more ghoul.

ur deck sounds fun to play hehe

Posted 24 February 2012 at 06:13 in reply to #236811 on 1rst place - Zombies


sounds really fun to play!

Posted 24 February 2012 at 06:11 as a comment on standard jund graveplay deck


Thanks for the tips, made a little changes. Check my list again. About Havengul lich, Im still testing with it. Might remove it and rooftop later... but Im trying to make it work since it has sooo many synergies and possibilitys.

btw, liked your deck also.

Posted 24 February 2012 at 06:07 in reply to #236757 on 1rst place - Zombies


After some advices, made some changes.
Moved ratchet to sb (still hanging with 4 to counter token decks)
moved BSZ to sb as well.

added Phyrexian Obliterator and another ghoul.

Still hanging with Lich for now... after some more tests I might remove 1 lich and rooftop to add some other removals like GftTs or doom blades.

Thanks for the support fellows!!!

Posted 24 February 2012 at 06:05 as a comment on 1rst place - Zombies


help with tips - and yesss I know - nooo creatures!? wtf! lol
Trying to build it to direct damage fast and end it with some burning vengeance flashbacks.

Posted 23 February 2012 at 23:22 as a comment on Burning in Flames T2


could be, but how about 2 more copyes of Surgical extraction?
Ive tested with 2 only, maybe 4 would be the number, and it works very nicely with distress.

Posted 23 February 2012 at 23:18 in reply to #236655 on 1rst place - Zombies


Btw, Smallpox is there to go vs wolf ramp. Turn 2, take of birds and 1 land + discard

Posted 23 February 2012 at 22:41 as a comment on 1rst place - Zombies



take a look at my 1rst at 14 people torney zombie UB.
got a lot of synergies

Cya ;)

Posted 23 February 2012 at 22:33 as a comment on Zombag Scum


Indeed I could consider Mikaeus yes. But in that ocasion I would probably side out the rooftop with Lich, since it is there for most of time to get a big number of zombies at same time.

About grafdigger,s cage, it cancels the Gravecrawler returning hability also, since it wont let me summon from graveyard, so I wouldnt put it.

Your deck sounds nice also, hows testing going?


Posted 23 February 2012 at 22:31 in reply to #236655 on 1rst place - Zombies


yes, I had it tested. Wichbane orb gives me hexproof, so I cant be target of spells or effects, wich gives me time enought to kill em (vs mill) or slow down the red deck deck (since it will force him to nuke my creatures and they are just comming back again and again).

Posted 23 February 2012 at 22:24 in reply to #236638 on 1rst place - Zombies


hmmm but I would suggest gettin more geralfs messeger, that card is awesome when comes to your hand. Also drop some cemerety reaper since its in the same curve as geralf. - its just my oppinion.

also, check my zombie deck. Got first place into a local 14 people tourney.


Posted 23 February 2012 at 18:59 as a comment on Ahhh! A Zombie! Ahhhh! Twenty More!


I won a local 14 tourney with my BU zombie. you should take a look at mine

about ures:
not sure if I would run mana leak on zombie deck... I think the deck should be less control and more overrrun. But report with your results.

Posted 23 February 2012 at 18:57 as a comment on ZOMBIES!


Check mine, won a 14 people tourney.

I wouldnt use cemetery ripper.. and would put something like surgical extraction to main. but hey, thats just what I would do. Course your deck can work just the way it it.

Cya =)

Posted 23 February 2012 at 18:53 as a comment on ZoMbIeS


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