Shard Phoenix is truly the superior Phoenix in Magic, I would play that instead, but that's me.Like the deck, allthough I've never been keen on playing decks that only uses burn myself
You inspired me to make this :)
Would love some help and feedback on these decks if you have the time :)
^^ I do my best to beat my friends decks. I have about 30 decks to choose from at the moment :P
^^ My friends don't even quit when I play my Stasis deck and locks them down :POr my Land Control Deck for that matter :P
^^ I get it, just that a game of magic would never end that way. At least not against people I play with :PAnyway, would love some comments on some of my decks. Preferably My Green Control Deck and My Turbo Fog Deck :)
So you just give up? Pretty lame if you ask me. I like the idea, but not the win-con
A friend of mine plays a similar deck. Evil is the word, yes :P
^^ I read it all. And I've been playing Magic for almost 18 years. I don't see how you can win
How do you plan to win with this?
Good old Dream Halls. I used to have a deck built around that card. So much fun :)Thumbs up!
I like it :)
Hahaha! Gotta love this deck! Thumbs up from me!
Could maybe have thrown in some Saproling token cards, and maybe also one that generates a lot of squirrelsBut cool deck :)
I like this build :)Could easily throw in more flashback cards, but I like the idea :)
Why not put in of the older charms as well. A couple of them are pretty good.
I like it, I made a similar deck, but unbuild it :P
I like these types of decks. This was something new :)Check out my Stuffy Deck and tell me what you think :)
I like the build. I've also made a white/red stuffy deck. Check it out if you need directions :)
How can you play a discard deck without Duress and Hymn?
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