Gotta love Squirrel Decks! :)Can't go wrong with a squirrel wranger and Liege Of The Hollows in there
Another cool deck :)Would you care to give some feedback on this? I need some help making the deck even faster and more lock
Townsfolk used to be a good tribe. Until Wizards made all townsfolk other creature types
I like it :)
Deranged Hermit and Liege of Hollows. No Squirrel deck without them.I like this. I play a Squirrel deck myself :)
^^ I know, but it's a powerful force against theme deck like Goblins, Elves, Soldiers etc. :P
You might like to run Nur Collector and Liege Og Hollows As well.I have a squirrel deck. Mighty fun! :D
Gargantuan Gorilla, Gorilla Berserkers, Ancient Silverback, Gargantuan Gorilla?
Memory Lapse and Time Ebb?
Thumbs up from me :)Trade caravan to untap lands even more?
Check my Storm Seeker deck 2hp10
^^ I just did :)
I tried to make a Illusion deck once, wasn't that good :PThis looks fun though :)Fog Elemental?
Another fun deck :)What about running Oblitorator?Check out my latest deck, I need some feedback, and I am one card short :P
Why not play with Mindslaver as well?
Love the concept :)Good build.
Why not try to make all your opponents creatures goats, instead of giving your opponents creatures and steal them back?How are you planning to win anyway?
^^ Glad I can help :)I would love some feedback on this deck. Something I'm bulding right now. Think I have all the cards as well. Browsing trough my common piles to find 4 Dragon Engines :P
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