Hope to work on this deck so please comment thanks
Indomible angel
Dude with all those red instants, take out some of your red creatures and get in 4 x creature called Kiln fiend !!! Awsome with instants !!!
Hi a bit old Sokol but with assassins if your using white you could get A couple of enchantments called Kismet and also there is an attic act called puppet strings And there is always the icy manipulator ?? You could even keep you creatures small and quick like nantuko shades which grow and then come crack down, if you did this you could use meekstones with you kismet and royal assassins - the 3 work well together old Sokol but and old Gassion deck would still be cool to see. Hope I helped you, feel free to check my decks out. Ta
I also think gatekeeper of Malkir would be better than the 2 x Beth spells they get rid of a creature and also leave you with a creature Hope helped
I would defiantly try to get in 4 x dark rituals, you really can't have a black decks without these
Amended and hopefully better, what you think ?
Comments to improve, very welcome
Nice idea i will check them out, thanks
coat of arms dude would be nice
i Like most you ideas yes and ive made a few changes but i really like the Nirkanas especially with the cabal coffers they are really the deck game winners so ive tried to keep them and i love bloodghasts just for early control but i have made a few changes thanks. I would appreciate comments on my other decks i only have a few
you could add this Glimpse of the unthinkable - with liliana vess nice combo
if you playing quick infect cards, then i would say deck needs to be quick so giant growth would be a must !! also blight mambs are good and inkmoth nexus is also a possibility but def giant growths you could potentially ply 2 x g/groths on a 1/1 creatue on go 2 or 3 and deal 7 points of infect ??? only need ten to win could be on go 3 or 4 to win ??
lol 6 bucks is not that much dude !!! just skip your next 2 x beers
Doubling Season !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You deck for some reason has just given me a great idea that may work ... How about this Green / White Stuffy dolls and put a pariah on the doll then play force of natures dont pay the upkeep and bounce the 8 damage on to the doll and straight to you opponent ... ha ah
I just built a Vampire deck you may like !!
you could try strength of tajuru and also with this many green mana symbols you could add primalcrux, you would get it out quick and its very powerful and also.... a cheap card ? What do you think ??
oh and also swap doom blades for go for the throat, better kill card i think
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