do you think maybe a bit of kill, just incase soneone has a quickish start perhaps go for the throat or brittle effigy ??
possibly also lightining greaves for your kiln fiend maybe ?
What about putting in mana flare's ?? i know it gives your opponent an advangate also but may be very useful to speed up your kill ?? what u think ?
nice deck what about trying to get in 4 x seething song ??
i love these decks but my friend has one so feel bad building one .. looking at this deck it would be nice to get in some prolifirate in to boost the infect possibly
if you could add white and put pariah on your stuffy doll you could put in force of natures and dont pay the upkeep !! that would be funny, but i do like the deck though maybe put in brittle effigy a few of them for some kill, i just put a deck on called swans what you think ?
got ya, nirkana revenant is a massive vampire creature and pretty cheap to buy i love em i got a vampire deck with some in
I love vampire decks dude, not sure about the lord of the pit though, why do you have that in, i thought you would have a nirkana revenent in ?
you could try 4 x go for the throat a demonic tutor maybe 4x cabal coffers
i would try to get in bloodghast's and also nirkana revenant especially the nirkanas if you have cabal coffers, i have a vampire deck if you wanna check it out dude
bloodghasts are a must dude i would say 4 or them and if you plaing nirkana revenants then definately 4 x cabal coffers
You could also put in Darksteel colossus dude another option
With the Transmuter you have to have the Darksteel Colossus in i would also get in Lightening Greaves and Pristine Angels Dude What do you think. Hope you think good idea - Feel free to check some of my decks thanks
nice check out my friends similar deck fluffstar
hi i like this deck so much im building one called creatures .com ha ha if i do by the cards and post it i will be sure to credit you on it i would also appreciate your comments on it if you get time thanks
you have 3 x hexmage in so definaely swap the marsh flats for dark depths !!!! No doubt
with hexmages comes 4 x dark depths
Hi, i would exchange Terastodon for Primalcrux, quicker out and more damaging when attacking, also massive with all the green mana symbols dude only a thought hope it helps ??
Hi, what about nice and simple Pariah's to go on the stuffy dolls !! That's just given me an idea Stuffy doll's - Pariah's the either force of nature and dont pay the upkeep or even lord of the pit ??? mmm
i have a deck called pains a comin take a look dude in an all green deck you can not beat primalcrux check it out
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