oh and 66 is too many cards get down to 60 ??
With that many elves and that many green mana symbols put in 4 x Primalcrux for starters you will have them our in 2 or 3 go's start from there. Check out my deck called pains 'a' comin let me know what u think
I dont think you need the brittle effigy in this deck ive played against it and its not very often you need to use them its normally in command without them + you have to use 4 mane to use them i think you could just put quick instant kill or removal cards in what u reckon ???
This deck is awsome and never gets beat once you have the mana, so for me the only way to improve it is to speed up getting you mana up, you could go for mana flare's even if they help you opponent you have plenty of kill in it cards like all is dust etc you would get out loads quicker to combat opponents playin stuff
i dont think you need to do anything with this deck lets be honest how ofter does it loose, not very often
i would use seething song x 4 in this deck dude just to speed up more
if you put 2 x myr galvanisers in and get them out with the palladium myr you would have infinate mana ???
i would take out the demonic tutors you should only play one i think anyway and put in either doom blade or 4 x gatefeeper of malakir just in case you opponents gets out any nasty creatures, probably the gatekeepers as sacrifice is better than destroy greg
With that many elves dude get rid of something like the warcallers possibly and find away to get in 4 x primalcrux I have a couple of elf decks you may wanna check hope you like em. cheers greg
i like a zombie deck i think the mana curve is this one is a touch slow, you may wanna speed it up a little. I have a zombie deck on here if yo wanna check it out similar but with a slightly quicker curve, hope you get some ideas, click if you like it Greg
I would take out the grave titan for anowon the ruin sage i think dude ?? and also i think 4 x gatekeepers i think they are very good cards especially if someone has a quick creature deck ??. Fell free to check out my decks cheers greg
well dude its a bold statement and yes i do think its a good deck granted however i also have a pretty decent vampire deck you may wanna check out... dark depths / vampire hexmage on go 2 or 3 is a decent combo please check it out. Im gonna click like on your deck as i do think its a good deck but pls check mine and click if you like it greg
What about the combo of vampire hexmage & dark depths ?? still a cool deck anyway. Please check my vampire deck click if you like it Greg
tempered steel ... i think i would put a couple in and possibly...possibly indomitable archangel
put in 4 x seething song just to speed up the damage dude and as with many of the red decks kiln fiends are awsome
Hi, as you kindly commented on one of my decks i thought i would have a look at a few of yours. Please feel free to look at my other decks and comment and please click if you like em dude. Now my thought on this deck... with that many red instants etc i would def change the hellspark elementals for kiln fiends. Quicker to cast and if you play your spells when you attack they become massive damage fiends. Greg
23 lands should be plenty
if you have lots of elves you could swap the titans for 2 x a card called primalcrux possibly they are very hard to deal with
i think brittle effigy would be the best as only 1 to cast
Ive had a think dude you could try either plummet - wing puncture - flame slash - brittle effigy i know they are not 1 to cast but thats all i can think of
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