
314 Decks, 63 Comments, 22 Reputation

Honestly, I hadn't thought of it, but I definitely like the idea.

Posted 17 August 2016 at 22:17 in reply to #587995 on The Goats Have Arrived


white goats just don't have the pizzazz of red goats. Besides, what goat isn't a beast? Goats are evil wee blighters.

Posted 17 August 2016 at 00:57 in reply to #587962 on The Goats Have Arrived


I think i fucked it up. I don't think it would be able to pop the other creatures on the field either way, but with three butchers and 3 hunters you can continue rotating removals on them to keep them coming into play infinitely. So, with Carnival of Souls, and Soul Warden you produce infinite black mana, but cant gain life without a second soul warden. Would also need something for draw power, like Mentor of the Meek. Can draw indefinitely with the mana from Carnival of Souls, but the other creatures would basically just be left in the dirt.

Posted 16 August 2016 at 19:00 in reply to #587791 on The Butcher Dance


the step by step is ridiculously convoluted to put into text, but it involves 2 faceless butchers and 2 fiend hunters (or journey to nowhere + oblivion ring, either can replace either). Short version, they bounce each other in and out of play, with Geralf, Rager, Simulacrum, etc coming in and out of play along with them

Posted 15 August 2016 at 18:16 in reply to #587791 on The Butcher Dance


btw, just ran through about 100 hands in the sample thing, and your right. almost guaranteed FTK, one way or another. Nicely made, my apologies if I came off as contemptuous at first.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 04:31 as a comment on Casual FTK Wheel


Lol .Just thinking, Leyline of the Void in opening hand would be crushing. Maybe pull out Time Warp, chain lightning, and 1 lightning bolt to pop in 4 Pact of Negations? You would certainly have the mana to pay the piper on the 2nd turn, so wouldn't lose any real advantage. Plus, with 3 bolts and 4 bumps you still have plenty of damage using twister

Posted 15 August 2016 at 04:21 in reply to #587662 on Casual FTK Wheel


True. Might as well pull out contract and pop in Wheel of Fortune tho, as the ante effect of CBB will diminish returns each time you use it.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 04:14 in reply to #587662 on Casual FTK Wheel


Fair point. Personally, I think i just play against too many hardcore denial decks to consider something like this.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 04:07 in reply to #587662 on Casual FTK Wheel


I really like the ghost quarter + archive trap thing. I had never thought about that, pretty awesome.

Posted 14 August 2016 at 02:48 as a comment on UB Mill 3rd MTGO 9/6/16


What is your win condition here? I get the allure of the power cards, but i don't see how this deck would work. 4 x lightning bolts gives you 12 damage to work with, then another 24 with bump in the night, but any denial/control deck would knock it dead long before you could play your 42 damage, or 5 extra turns.

edit: factored chain lightning into total damage that could be dealt.

Posted 14 August 2016 at 02:35 as a comment on Casual FTK Wheel


Soul Link B/W
Vampiric link B
Armadillo Cloak G/W
Spirit Link W

Armadillo cloak might work in here, but really no point in adding extra lifelink cards in such a small amount. Cost vastly outweighs the gain.

Posted 11 August 2016 at 22:09 in reply to #587459 on Life Unending


I don't particularly see the purpose for the white components with so few of them, but still a nice vampire deck.

Posted 11 August 2016 at 07:52 as a comment on Vampiric Imperialism


Thank you, I like my simple vampires. B/R vampires give me the jitters.

Posted 11 August 2016 at 07:23 in reply to #587438 on Nightfall Nightmares


Aye, I usually do run x4 Kiki, usually end up leaving the Krenko in sideboard, but put it in there to demonstrate the concept.

*Demonic Tutors are only added in during casual play. Any other format I use 2 Rhystic Tutor and 4 Diabolic Tutors

Posted 03 August 2016 at 00:54 in reply to #586847 on Endless Arrival


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