3 words- beacon...of...destruction...
add some multiples. youre running a lot of 1s and 2s, and look into replicating a few good cards. look at my decks.
u could add some lys alana huntmaster. also, replace giant growth with presence of gond and add 4 llanowar reborn. good deck tho.
add creakwood liege to buff your creatures
DUDE! add thoughts of ruin!
add balthor the stout.
separate the deck into 2 and get some repetition in there! all these 1-ofs aren't helping.
i'd drop the underworld dreams for incinerate, and add some mind rot.
look into ashling the pilgrim
way too many cards, and so many singles!
add 4 primal rage to give the giant quillspike trample.
nice combo
holy strength too.
comment on my decks
holy day, forbidding watchtower, ardent militia, wall of swords. otherwise, good start.
ok, but if u do, use at least 25 creatures and 20 lands. i used 30 creatures myself.
check out my boros, but don't suggest adding eventide- its supposed to only use ravnica cards.
shield of the oversoul!
41-60 of 95 items