prety sweet. just add a couple(4) mudbutton torchrunners. and ib halfheart- i hate squee
when did they make phage a zombie? still a beasty deck. plz comment on my decks.
wait-what is extended legal again?
well get the other cards. certainly use some shadowmoor and ravnica g/w, like wilt- leaf liege, oversoul of dusk, and watchwolf. good start tho. plz comment on my decks.
oh, the sideboard. why?
by the way, where is wort boggart auntie?
IT SUCKS!! hear that? IT SUCKS!! SUUUUUUCKS! sorry, i got carried away criticizing. plz comment on my decks.
any comments?
seems nice but u dont need that many islands with only 2 u cards.
u need to field less 1-ofs. ur talking about having all these cards in play, but u run a high risk of not getting them. plz comment on my decks.
isnt kamahl the fist of krosa?? plz comment on my decks
looks nice but get some standardization on the lands. also, this seems the perfect deck for 1 or 4 thistledown lieges. plz comment on my decks.
seems pretty nice. add boggart shenanigans and mudbutton torchrunner when ur goblins take a dirt nap. plz comment on my decks
how in the hell did you not add divinity of pride u prick (nothing personal tho) :) plz comment on my decks
u could probably cut some forests and add in more hactcheries. consider orochi eggwatcher 2.
with this whole flingin theme, u should add brion stoutarm with a couple white fatties to throw.
looks more like the soldier theme is more dominant than the kithkin theme, but if thats all i can think of, ur doin pretty well! nice deck. plz check out my decks.
WHADDYA MEAN BRIGID IS GOOD FOR NOTHIN? SHE KICKS ASS! PUT HER BACK IN! NOW! also, this looks like a soldier deck. fit in preeminent captain and cenn's tactician. plz check out my decks
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