So Boomerang would be better, given Mutavault and various other dangerous lands. However Boomerang would make this non-standard. While it will be standard only for a while longer, I think I would like to keep it that way. Maybe put in the boomerangs after M14 goes out.
I did not know that, but I still believe that if things have gone badly enough that turning a bunch of creatures into swine would be helpful, the deck has already failed.
Disperse is, and I think that does any permanent, however I think I will stick with Voyage's End for the scry.
Banishing Light is an awesome spell, and most of the time I would be silly to be playing white and not play it, but if I have let things get to the point where it would be effective, the deck has already failed.
Those would be slower than just countering everything. Why let my opponent get anything on the battlefield at all? Also banishing light does not work with Arcanist.
Curse wouldn't work with Arcanist because X would be zero.
I made a control version of this deck using Render Silent and Silence. Check it out.
I like the idea, it would be cheaper and more effective than a counterspell, but I do hate the idea of it potentially sitting worthless in my hand.
Thank you.
I prefer more burn spells to more creatures. I already have a modern burn deck, based on those better burn spells and Satyr Firedancer. I am not sure if I have that up here, but a big reason I made thins was I was sick of being completely hosed with creature-based decks.
True, but losing a 2/1 or a 1/2 double strike to kill a 5/5 or a 7/7 threat is well worth it.
Fight with a basilisk collar is awesome and would let you take out a flier of any size.
Thanks for the advice, I will definitely tweak it based on your suggestions.
What about Pit Fight, a spell with red/green slash mana to take out fliers?
Yeah, I see what you are saying, though typically a deck like yours wants to win through mill, and she damages you too. Hmmm, she would go awesome in a life drain deck. Something where you could tank the damage she does to you, but your opponent couldn't.
Wait a second, wouldn't Maralen of the Mornsong be counter productive because a milled opponent doesn't lose until they try to draw from an empty deck?
Yeah, you are probably right.
A good possibility, but I might not need it with the Harbingers.
I can see that. Maybe once I make it, I will consider altering it with the top level cards.
Student is too awesome to drop, but I see what you are saying about the Fencing Aces. As for more Heroes, just the two in the deck will be hard enough to come by. I am not the only one as shops always seem to be out or low on them, and while it may seem silly 6-8 bucks a pop adds up. It is not like buying an original multi-land, but $16 could stand between this deck actually getting made, and just being an idea.
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