Those are great suggestions for multiplayer I'll have to try that! However this is a standard deck as it stands so those cards would be illegal for me to play with !
So the edh version of the gods deck hit our table last night the general being horde of notions my friend used cards to draw discard and filled his gy up with gods the casts open the vaults to get them all back into play it was bonkers and of course everyone dies to the purphoros triggers!Standard and edh gods are a thing.Check out my latest deck update
How did adding those cards work out for you? I'm not sure I can fit them in myself but I think I'll have to try
Thanks for the post I'll keep up to date with how this deck does
Your playing scry without scry fish? That seems wrong... And courser is actually the ultimate scry/ draw engine!Check out my latest build
White seems really wasted in the deck all I see main board is one merciless eviction so maybe look at cutting white altogether or consider better use of white? That or splash in more orzhovCheck out my latest build
Yeah I'd definetly add in fleece mane lion it's a strong creature especially when monstrous is activated
Doomwake giant is awesome and can see a board wiped if not answered to quickly and you keep dropping enchantments I had an idea for an orzhov list that involved tormented hero grim guArdian underworld coin smith and Doomwake giant but in the end I went with this decklist instead free to reply!
Nice decklist looks like it could be fun it's in my favorite magic colors for sure!Just want to clarify if your dropping Elspeth there should only be 3 adds of counters equaling nine tokens not twelve on turn 8 you want to be using her ultimate therefore having 9 3/3's with flying :)Check out my latest decklist
Nice list but I don't think deicide should be main board I think it's better as a sideboard card and add in 2 Elspeth suns champion she is too good not to play!Check out my latest decklist
I'm surprise no heroes bane made it in...If only phyrexian hydra was still standard...Great list would love to see it in action!Check out my latest decklist
I heard a deck idea about this last week from a friend of mine I think it was edh form though not standard but it still sounded awesome! Nice work!Little known fact all 15 gods on the board will indeed activate eachother!Check out my latest deck post
Nice decklist somewhat reminds me of my 5 color reanimator I was trying to build love the use of civic saber!Check out my latest decklist :
The last card could be leveler get it out with lab maniac and win ^^ Nice deck check out mine! Deck link:
I have 14 that produce white 8 that produce red and 10 that produce green I've been solitaire play testing and it seems to be a lot better.
Volt charge is also in till October lol M13 comes in scars block and m12 rotate out of standard in October.
Nice deck idea man but As soon as m13 comes in birds rotate so I feel your green will be of no use to you Also I see what your doing with snapcaster but he seems really lackluster and not as effective For your deck with the 3-4 mana spells you are running. Fix your green problem maybe add more pilgrims or use some far seeks for land ramp then look at Making snapcaster more useable Checkout my deck Naya zoo humans Deck link:
Nice deck idea very original idea with using miracles I'm going to build it online and give it a try along with some mOre feedback from play testing Can you please check out my Naya zoo humans? Deck link:
Ty for the comments I'll check it out :)
Thanks for replying in my Naya humans deck and for the helpful feedback any suggestions on how I should fix the land? This deck is looking really solid and I agree it doesn't need snap caster in it noxious revival is much better for casting miracles I'm really surprised this handles well with no creatures and hasn't lost to infect or fast aggrieved heavy decks or other control decks very nice job man.
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