I was going to say that Skirsdag Might not work so well with18 creatures but it would depend on if you have Young Pyromancer out. But the best way to find out is through play testing so tell me how it ends up doing.
Guys at the bottom. Otherwise none will realize you posted your deck here. There is a long list and they'll go straight to the bottom.
OK, one time a person said to me "Bloodline Keeper is way to good to not run 4 of" I tend to agree. If you think he belongs here that is. I kind of also feel the same way about Vampire Nighthawk. I question the idea of Bubbling Cauldron and Festering Newt. Festering Newt is useless without Bubbling Cauldron and you don't run Bogbrew. And even though Bubbling Cauldron works well with Bloodline and Festering Newt, you only have 15 creatures in total. Half of them you wouldn't even want to sacrifice. Even for Bloodline Keeper, you might as well just keep the tokens. Also, Child of Night is back.
I really want to suggest Rewind but I'm pretty sure this is post M14. What if we try a different approach. Is there really any point to Ready// Willing. I feel like Boros Charm out does it in every way(at least in this deck). Also I do think Turn // Burn should be main boarded because with it you can kill any creature(without Hexproof). Or if there are no creatures you could always do damage to your opponent.
Before a make a suggestion, have you play tested this yet?
I've always been a fan of the card Stab Wound. It easily can become a win condition on it's own. :-) It also matches the general Idea of Extort.
I actually had an idea similar to this. Basically I was thinking to mix Green and Red for Unleash and Scavange, then use Crowned Ceratok to go in for the kill.
I'm Quite fond of Boros Charm. It's very versatile and would combo easily with the current deck set up.
OK, next suggestion. What about Burn// Turn and Chandra's Outrage ? (1:^l)
Hello Everyone, just wanted to let you know that I'm still going to comment on your decks. Thanks again for posting and for liking :-). I was set back a little bit because of work and a power failure but I'm back to give more suggestions!
Hmmm, This is probably a bad suggestion. In fact it's completely influenced be the past 15 minutes of my life. But I'm going to suggest a them anyway. Volcanic Geyser or Mizzium Mortars.Was that from Brotherhood????!!!!
Oh yes! There are plenty of good enchantments with three mana cost or less. Allow me to point out the most popular. Agoraphobia, Alpha Authority, Arrest, Blind Obedience, Bred for the Hunt, Crackling Perimeter, Detention Sphere, Dying Wish, Five-Alarm Fire, Gift of Orzhova, Legion's Initiative, Madcap Skills, Oath of the Ancient Wood, Pacifism, Path of Bravery, Rest in Piece, Soul Tithe, Stab Wound, and Unflinching Courage. And those are just for post M14! That being said, if those are the three mana cost enchantments, just wait till you see the more expensive ones (l:^1)
Ya, actually I need to update my Extort deck as well. But sadly there's never any time for it. :-(
You're Welcome :-)
Ya, now that you mention it, I think Bonfire of the Damned is pretty much better for this deck.
Hmm, I do see how Thundermaw can be Advantageous. I will try the suggestion and see how it works. Thanks
Hmm, I think I need to get some second opinions on this deck.
I see, What about bump in the night. it's pretty hard to beat for one mana.
Woops, I mixed up Terminus with Supreme Verdict.
Tell me how it goes! Oh, and I was thinking that Crowned Ceratok may also suit your purposes.
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